Contributing Authors & About Salesforce for Startups
Contributing Authors Leyla Seka, @LeylaSeka Leyla Seka leads the Salesforce AppExchange, the world’s largest and longest-running business apps arketplace She is responsible for driing recruitent, product, go-to-arket, and other key progras supporting startups and Ss in the Salesforce ecosyste rior to leading the AppExchange, Leyla was the general anager of eskco, Salesforce’s all-in-one custoer serice app for fast-growing copanies n her 1 years at Salesforce, Leyla has held a ariety of positions across product anageent, product arketing, and business operations She is actie in woen in technology and e€ual-pay issues, and was naed a “ƒext-„en nnoator” by Forbes, aong honors she has receied Tien Tzuo, @tientzuo †ien †‡uo is the ˆE‰ of Šuora, a copany he co-founded in 2‹ †ien has not only built one of the fastest-growing SaaS copanies, he’s also eangeli‡ed the shift to subscription-based business odels Œefore Šuora, he was one of the original forces at Salesforce, Žoining as eployee nuber 11 n his ‘ years at Salesforce, †ien held a ariety of executie roles in tech- nology, arketing, and strategy ’e earned a Œachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering fro ˆornell “niersity and an ”ŒA fro the Stanford „raduate School of Œusiness 121121
ˆontributing Authors Mark Organ, @markorgan ”ark ‰rgan, the founder and ˆE‰ of nfluitie, is driing the shift fro copany-centric arketing to adocate arketing nfluitie helps copa- nies obili‡e their custoer adocates, gener- ate leads, accelerate pipeline, and enable rapid access to their ideas ”ark first reolutioni‡ed Œ2Œ arketing as the founding ˆE‰ of Elo€ua, the world leader in arketing autoation soft- ware, which was ac€uired by ‰racle for —˜‹1 illion ’e has also sered as a go-to-arket consultant for oer a do‡en SaaS copanies in ƒorth Aerica and Asia Sean Jacobsohn, @sjacobsohn Sean ™acobsohn is a partner at ƒorwest enture artners where he focuses on early-to-late- stage inestent opportunities in enterprise cloud copanies rior to becoing a ˆ, Sean spent 1š years as an enterprise cloud executie ’e sered as of channel anageent at ˆornerstone ‰n eand as it grew fro —‹ illion to —‹œ illion in reenue, and of sales and partner deelopent at žagežorks as it grew fro —š illion to —˜2 illion in reenue †hroughout his career, he has learned the alue and iportance of achieing productŸ arket fit žithout the correct productŸarket alignent, a cloud startup —any startup —will flounder 122122
ˆontributing Authors Adrian osenkranz, @Adrianranz Adrian ¢osenkran‡ is head of sall and id-si‡e business arketing at Salesforce, working to reiagine custoer innoation ”otiated by his passion for helping sall businesses grow using technology solutions, he transitioned fro his prior role as the irector of Sall Œusiness „rowth at Salesforce reiously in his career at Salesforce, Adrian helped build žorkco’s go-to-arket strategy ’e supports the ”ultiple ”yeloa ¢esearch £oundation and the ’ŒS ¤raft recision ”edicine Accelerator seeking creatie ways to use technology to adance odels in precision edicine ’e holds a bachelor’s degree fro Stanford “niersity in nternational ¢elations, with a inor in Science, †echnology, and Society aid riemer, @driemer A scientist turned four-tie tech entrepreneur, aid rieer currently seres as the ice resident of Sales at nfluitie reiously, aid was the ice resident of ˆoercial Sales and ¢esident Sales Leadership Eangelist at Salesforce, haing Žoined the tea after the ac€uisition of ¢ypple, where he was one of the founding ebers and of Sales rior to that, aid sered as Sales ‰perations irector at aricent Software and irector of Solution Engineering at žorkbrain ’e earned a Œachelor of Science in ˆheistry and Atospheric Science fro ¥ork “niersity and an ”S in ˆheical Engineering fro the “niersity of †oronto 12š12š
ˆontributing Authors reg oirier, @gregoirier „reg oirier is the president of ˆloud¤ettle, a Salesforce consulting partner that speciali‡es in scaling sales, arketing, and custoer success for Œ2Œ SaaS copanies Early in his career, „reg introduced digital arketing at a national cinea chain, rolling out its first social edia capaigns, ecoerce strategies, obile ticketing, and couponing initiaties †he first technology copany „reg Žoined was ¢adian§, later ac€uired by Salesforce, where he oersaw and grew the digital arketing tea Later, he sered as an executie at two other startups, †itan£ile and Lielen‡ „reg acts as an adisor for seeral copanies, entors at the olta Startup ’ouse, and is a sought-after speaker at accelerators and incubators Amanda elson, @amandalnelson Aanda is Senior ”anager of AppExchange ˆontent and ˆounity at Salesforce She is a conference speaker, published author, and a social edia professor At Salesforce, Aanda focuses on helping Salesforce custoers and app partners grow with the AppExchange She collaborates with hundreds of custoers and partners to deelop educational and engaging content for the Salesforce ecosyste rior to Salesforce, Aanda worked for two start- ups, ¢adian§, a copany ac€uired by Salesforce in 211¨ and ¢ingLead, a data €uality platfor and one of the first Salesforce partners 12¦
ˆontributing Authors Jill o€ley, @jill‚ro€ley ™ill ¢owley is a sales professional trapped in a arketer’s body She spent six years in anageent consulting, œ2 €uarters on €uota at Salesforce and Elo€ua, and one year leading social selling at ‰racle after the Elo€ua ac€uisition in 21š She’s currently spending ost of her tie speaking internationally and adising global copanies like „E, Sprint, žorkday, ƒetApp, ˆA †echnologies, and A†¬† on social selling and digital sales transforation at scale Additionally, she has a portfolio of 12 different tech copanies in which she inests, adises, or seres on the board of directors ™ill is arried, a o of four, has an adorable doggie naed †oby, and lies in Silicon alley Mike readen, @mikekreaden ”ike ¤readen has helped hundreds of startups get to arket during his 1œ years at Salesforce ”ike was one of the original product anagers at Salesforce, where he helped anage the first public A and the first platfor brand ©Sforceª ’e conceied of and deeloped the first Salesforce business app arketplace ©the ‰n eand ”arketplaceª, and then helped to seed the AppExchange with its initial apps by foring the technical eangelist tea ’e went on to sere as the ”anaging irector of the AppExchange ncubator fro 2§–2˜, and is currently anaging †he ncubator at Salesforce, as its Executie-in-¢esidence 12œ
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