ˆontributing Authors Adrian osenkranz,  @Adrianranz Adrian ¢osenkran‡ is head of sall and id-si‡e business arketing at Salesforce, working to reiagine custoer innoation ”otiated by his passion for helping sall businesses grow using technology solutions, he transitioned fro his prior role as the irector of Sall Œusiness „rowth at Salesforce reiously in his career at Salesforce, Adrian helped build žorkco’s go-to-arket strategy ’e supports the ”ultiple ”yeloa ¢esearch £oundation and the ’ŒS ¤raft recision ”edicine Accelerator seeking creatie ways to use technology to adance odels in precision edicine ’e holds a bachelor’s degree fro Stanford “niersity in nternational ¢elations, with a inor in Science, †echnology, and Society aid riemer, @driemer A scientist turned four-tie tech entrepreneur, aid rieer currently seres as the ice resident of Sales at nfluitie reiously, aid was the ice resident of ˆoercial Sales and ¢esident Sales Leadership Eangelist at Salesforce, haing Žoined the tea after the ac€uisition of ¢ypple, where he was one of the founding ebers and  of Sales rior to that, aid sered as Sales ‰perations irector at aricent Software and irector of Solution Engineering at žorkbrain ’e earned a Œachelor of Science in ˆheistry and Atospheric Science fro ¥ork “niersity and an ”S in ˆheical Engineering fro the “niersity of †oronto 12š12š

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