ˆontributing Authors reg oirier, @gregoirier „reg oirier is the president of ˆloud¤ettle, a Salesforce consulting partner that speciali‡es in scaling sales, arketing, and custoer success for Œ2Œ SaaS copanies Early in his career, „reg introduced digital arketing at a national cinea chain, rolling out its first social edia capaigns, ecoerce strategies, obile ticketing, and couponing initiaties †he first technology copany „reg Žoined was ¢adian§, later ac€uired by Salesforce, where he oersaw and grew the digital arketing tea Later, he sered as an executie at two other startups, †itan£ile and Lielen‡ „reg acts as an adisor for seeral copanies, entors at the olta Startup ’ouse, and is a sought-after speaker at accelerators and incubators Amanda ­elson,  @amandalnelson Aanda is Senior ”anager of AppExchange ˆontent and ˆounity at Salesforce She is a conference speaker, published author, and a social edia professor At Salesforce, Aanda focuses on helping Salesforce custoers and app partners grow with the AppExchange She collaborates with hundreds of custoers and partners to deelop educational and engaging content for the Salesforce ecosyste rior to Salesforce, Aanda worked for two start- ups, ¢adian§, a copany ac€uired by Salesforce in 2­11¨ and ¢ingLead, a data €uality platfor and one of the first Salesforce partners 12¦

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