ˆontributing Authors Jill o€ley, @jill‚ro€ley ™ill ¢owley is a sales professional trapped in a arketer’s body She spent six years in anageent consulting, œ2 €uarters on €uota at Salesforce and Elo€ua, and one year leading social selling at ‰racle after the Elo€ua ac€uisition in 21š She’s currently spending ost of her tie speaking internationally and adising global copanies like „E, Sprint, žorkday, ƒetApp, ˆA †echnologies, and A†¬† on social selling and digital sales transforation at scale Additionally, she has a portfolio of 12 different tech copanies in which she inests, adises, or seres on the board of directors ™ill is arried, a o of four, has an adorable doggie naed †oby, and lies in Silicon alley Mike readen, @mikekreaden ”ike ¤readen has helped hundreds of startups get to arket during his 1œ years at Salesforce ”ike was one of the original product anagers at Salesforce, where he helped anage the first public A and the first platfor brand ©Sforceª ’e conceied of and deeloped the first Salesforce business app arketplace ©the ‰n eand ”arketplaceª, and then helped to seed the AppExchange with its initial apps by foring the technical eangelist tea ’e went on to sere as the ”anaging irector of the AppExchange ncubator fro 2§–2˜, and is currently anaging †he ncubator at Salesforce, as its Executie-in-¢esidence 12œ
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