ˆontributing Authors Jill o€ley,  @jill‚ro€ley ™ill ¢owley is a sales professional trapped in a arketer’s body She spent six years in anageent consulting, œ2 €uarters on €uota at Salesforce and Elo€ua, and one year leading social selling at ‰racle after the Elo€ua ac€uisition in 2­1š She’s currently spending ost of her tie speaking internationally and adising global copanies like „E, Sprint, žorkday, ƒetApp, ˆA †echnologies, and A†¬† on social selling and digital sales transforation at scale Additionally, she has a portfolio of 12 different tech copanies in which she inests, adises, or seres on the board of directors ™ill is arried, a o of four, has an adorable doggie naed †oby, and lies in Silicon alley Mike readen,  @mikekreaden ”ike ¤readen has helped hundreds of startups get to arket during his 1œ years at Salesforce ”ike was one of the original product anagers at Salesforce, where he helped anage the first public A and the first platfor brand ©Sforceª ’e conceied of and deeloped the first Salesforce business app arketplace ©the ‰n eand ”arketplaceª, and then helped to seed the AppExchange with its initial apps by foring the technical eangelist tea ’e went on to sere as the ”anaging irector of the AppExchange ncubator fro 2­­§–2­­˜, and is currently anaging †he ncubator at Salesforce, as its Executie-in-¢esidence 12œ

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