Contributing Authors Leyla Seka,   @LeylaSeka Leyla Seka leads the Salesforce AppExchange, the world’s largest and longest-running business apps arketplace She is responsible for driing recruitent, product, go-to-arket, and other key progras supporting startups and Ss in the Salesforce ecosyste rior to leading the AppExchange, Leyla was the general anager of eskco, Salesforce’s all-in-one custoer serice app for fast-growing copanies n her 1­ years at Salesforce, Leyla has held a ariety of positions across product anageent, product arketing, and business operations She is actie in woen in technology and e€ual-pay issues, and was naed a “ƒext-„en nnoator” by Forbes, aong honors she has receied Tien Tzuo, @tientzuo †ien †‡uo is the ˆE‰ of Šuora, a copany he co-founded in 2­­‹ †ien has not only built one of the fastest-growing SaaS copanies, he’s also eangeli‡ed the shift to subscription-based business odels Œefore Šuora, he was one of the original forces at Salesforce, Žoining as eployee nuber 11 n his ‘ years at Salesforce, †ien held a ariety of executie roles in tech- nology, arketing, and strategy ’e earned a Œachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering fro ˆornell “niersity and an ”ŒA fro the Stanford „raduate School of Œusiness 121121

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