Contributing Authors & About Salesforce for Startups

Contributing Authors Leyla Seka,   @LeylaSeka Leyla Seka leads the Salesforce AppExchange, the world’s largest and longest-running business apps arketplace She is responsible for driing recruitent, product, go-to-arket, and other key progras supporting startups and Ss in the Salesforce ecosyste rior to leading the AppExchange, Leyla was the general anager of eskco, Salesforce’s all-in-one custoer serice app for fast-growing copanies n her 1­ years at Salesforce, Leyla has held a ariety of positions across product anageent, product arketing, and business operations She is actie in woen in technology and e€ual-pay issues, and was naed a “ƒext-„en nnoator” by Forbes, aong honors she has receied Tien Tzuo, @tientzuo †ien †‡uo is the ˆE‰ of Šuora, a copany he co-founded in 2­­‹ †ien has not only built one of the fastest-growing SaaS copanies, he’s also eangeli‡ed the shift to subscription-based business odels Œefore Šuora, he was one of the original forces at Salesforce, Žoining as eployee nuber 11 n his ‘ years at Salesforce, †ien held a ariety of executie roles in tech- nology, arketing, and strategy ’e earned a Œachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering fro ˆornell “niersity and an ”ŒA fro the Stanford „raduate School of Œusiness 121121

ˆontributing Authors Mark Organ, @markorgan ”ark ‰rgan, the founder and ˆE‰ of nfluitie, is driing the shift fro copany-centric arketing to adocate arketing nfluitie helps copa- nies obili‡e their custoer adocates, gener- ate leads, accelerate pipeline, and enable rapid access to their ideas ”ark first reolutioni‡ed Œ2Œ arketing as the founding ˆE‰ of Elo€ua, the world leader in arketing autoation soft- ware, which was ac€uired by ‰racle for —˜‹1 illion ’e has also sered as a go-to-arket consultant for oer a do‡en SaaS copanies in ƒorth Aerica and Asia Sean Jacobsohn,  @sjacobsohn Sean ™acobsohn is a partner at ƒorwest enture artners where he focuses on early-to-late- stage inestent opportunities in enterprise cloud copanies rior to becoing a ˆ, Sean spent 1š years as an enterprise cloud executie ’e sered as  of channel anageent at ˆornerstone ‰n eand as it grew fro —‹ illion to —‹œ illion in reenue, and  of sales and partner deelopent at žagežorks as it grew fro —š illion to —˜2 illion in reenue †hroughout his career, he has learned the alue and iportance of achieing productŸ arket fit žithout the correct productŸarket alignent, a cloud startup —any startup —will flounder 122122

ˆontributing Authors Adrian osenkranz,  @Adrianranz Adrian ¢osenkran‡ is head of sall and id-si‡e business arketing at Salesforce, working to reiagine custoer innoation ”otiated by his passion for helping sall businesses grow using technology solutions, he transitioned fro his prior role as the irector of Sall Œusiness „rowth at Salesforce reiously in his career at Salesforce, Adrian helped build žorkco’s go-to-arket strategy ’e supports the ”ultiple ”yeloa ¢esearch £oundation and the ’ŒS ¤raft recision ”edicine Accelerator seeking creatie ways to use technology to adance odels in precision edicine ’e holds a bachelor’s degree fro Stanford “niersity in nternational ¢elations, with a inor in Science, †echnology, and Society aid riemer, @driemer A scientist turned four-tie tech entrepreneur, aid rieer currently seres as the ice resident of Sales at nfluitie reiously, aid was the ice resident of ˆoercial Sales and ¢esident Sales Leadership Eangelist at Salesforce, haing Žoined the tea after the ac€uisition of ¢ypple, where he was one of the founding ebers and  of Sales rior to that, aid sered as Sales ‰perations irector at aricent Software and irector of Solution Engineering at žorkbrain ’e earned a Œachelor of Science in ˆheistry and Atospheric Science fro ¥ork “niersity and an ”S in ˆheical Engineering fro the “niersity of †oronto 12š12š

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ˆontributing Authors reg oirier, @gregoirier „reg oirier is the president of ˆloud¤ettle, a Salesforce consulting partner that speciali‡es in scaling sales, arketing, and custoer success for Œ2Œ SaaS copanies Early in his career, „reg introduced digital arketing at a national cinea chain, rolling out its first social edia capaigns, ecoerce strategies, obile ticketing, and couponing initiaties †he first technology copany „reg Žoined was ¢adian§, later ac€uired by Salesforce, where he oersaw and grew the digital arketing tea Later, he sered as an executie at two other startups, †itan£ile and Lielen‡ „reg acts as an adisor for seeral copanies, entors at the olta Startup ’ouse, and is a sought-after speaker at accelerators and incubators Amanda ­elson,  @amandalnelson Aanda is Senior ”anager of AppExchange ˆontent and ˆounity at Salesforce She is a conference speaker, published author, and a social edia professor At Salesforce, Aanda focuses on helping Salesforce custoers and app partners grow with the AppExchange She collaborates with hundreds of custoers and partners to deelop educational and engaging content for the Salesforce ecosyste rior to Salesforce, Aanda worked for two start- ups, ¢adian§, a copany ac€uired by Salesforce in 2­11¨ and ¢ingLead, a data €uality platfor and one of the first Salesforce partners 12¦

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ˆontributing Authors Jill o€ley,  @jill‚ro€ley ™ill ¢owley is a sales professional trapped in a arketer’s body She spent six years in anageent consulting, œ2 €uarters on €uota at Salesforce and Elo€ua, and one year leading social selling at ‰racle after the Elo€ua ac€uisition in 2­1š She’s currently spending ost of her tie speaking internationally and adising global copanies like „E, Sprint, žorkday, ƒetApp, ˆA †echnologies, and A†¬† on social selling and digital sales transforation at scale Additionally, she has a portfolio of 12 different tech copanies in which she inests, adises, or seres on the board of directors ™ill is arried, a o of four, has an adorable doggie naed †oby, and lies in Silicon alley Mike readen,  @mikekreaden ”ike ¤readen has helped hundreds of startups get to arket during his 1œ years at Salesforce ”ike was one of the original product anagers at Salesforce, where he helped anage the first public A and the first platfor brand ©Sforceª ’e conceied of and deeloped the first Salesforce business app arketplace ©the ‰n eand ”arketplaceª, and then helped to seed the AppExchange with its initial apps by foring the technical eangelist tea ’e went on to sere as the ”anaging irector of the AppExchange ncubator fro 2­­§–2­­˜, and is currently anaging †he ncubator at Salesforce, as its Executie-in-¢esidence 12œ

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