HoHoww Soci SociHoHoww Soci Sociaal Selling Hasl Selling Hasaal Selling Hasl Selling Has TTrarann sforsforTTrarannmmsforsforeedd mmSSalealeeedd ssSSalealess She putsShe putsout so out m uch vso much valuabalelu iabnforle mainfortionma, tionher b, heruyer bsuyer coms coe tom hee tor. her. It all Icot amll esco mdoesw nd otow ntru tost .tru Youst. hYaouve htoave cu tot through cut through the cltheutte clr.u Ytteou r. You alwayaslwa hayves htoave look to lookat thing at things thros uthrogh uthegh eyesthe eyesof your of yourcusto cmustoer. mer. SuccesSusc icessn’ts a isboutn’t a boutjamm jamming yoinugr yosalesur saproceles process doswns do thewn b theuyer b’suyer thro’sa throt; at; it’s abitout’s ab faoutcilit faatingcilita theting b theuying buying proce process. Yourss. Yjoourb i sjo tob iusn todersta undndersta thnde the buyerbu’s journeyer’s journey, andy to f, anda to fcilitaatecilit thaatet. that. That’Thats why’s wthehy firthest pillarfirst pillar of so ofcial so sellingcial selling is movi is moving fromng from résum réé sumé to digitalto digital repu tation,reputation, and andit req itu irereqsu lookingires looking at your at yoursocial s ocialprofile profiles s through the eyes of the customer from whom you’re trying to earn through the eyes of the customer from whom you’re trying to earn trust.tr Ifu youst. If’ reyou bragging’re bragging about about your yoquuota-r qucota-rushingcrushing abilitie abilities or merels or merely y listing your work experience, that’s not interesting or appealing to listing your work experience, that’s not interesting or appealing to potential clients potential clients. . OptimOizepti myourize yoursoci asl ociprofilesal profiles for yourfor yourbuyer bus yerands acundsto cumsertos,m noers,t not recruitersrecruiters. You .a Ylreoua dyalre haadyve hyourave yourdream dre joamb, right?job, right? Well, Wnoellw, noyouw hyoavue have to keepto kiteep. it. PeoplePeople buy frobuym fropeoplem people they theyknow kno, likwe,, trulikes,t ,tru ansdt, froandm frowhom mw hothemy they can receivecan receive value v. aYlouue .n Yeeoud n toee bud toild bu yourild yourperso pernals bornaanl db,r oanndlin, oen alindne o affnd, off, to serve your customers and earn their regard. Here’s the catch: If you to serve your customers and earn their regard. Here’s the catch: If you suck sofflinuck offline, you’e, ll syouu’ck ll smuore onlinck more online. So ed.o So n’t dsouckn’t .suck. 2. Always be connecting 2. Always be connecting If youIf’re you in ’sare leins ,sa I bleets, yoI betu’ve yo heu’vear dhe ofa rABCd of: ABCAlwa: Alwys baey clos bseing clo. sEingxcep. Et xcept that’s not what it stands for anymore in the #SocialSelling era. that’s not what it stands for anymore in the #SocialSelling era. To mTeo, AmBeC, AmBeCa nsm eaalwans ysalwa beys con ben conectinnectig. ng. In today’s sales environ - In today’s sales environ - ment, your network is your net ment, your network is your net worth w. orthCoffee. Coffee isn’t iforsn’ tcloser for closers, it’ss, fo itr ’s for connectors. connectors. FrienFrieds, nfamds,il fyam, anildy, cao-wornd co-workers akreers o abrevio oubsvio counsne cocntionencstio, bnuts , I bthiutn Ik think salespeople should expand their networks way beyond these relation - salespeople should expand their networks way beyond these relation - shipss. hipsPote. nPtioteal ntibualyers bu, yerscus, tocmuserstom, erstho, ughttho ughtleaders lea, dersinfl, ueninflcuerens, cers, speakers, bloggers, journalists, the lady you met on the train this speakers, bloggers, journalists, the lady you met on the train this mornming orn— ing the— se peoplthese people, ande ,m andore m, sorhoule, sd houlall bd e part ofall be part of your yonetuwr netorkw. ork. Your strategy should be to socially surround yourself with smart, inter - Your strategy should be to socially surround yourself with smart, inter - estinges, tinginfluenti, influential peoplal people. Thee. reTheaso ren?a soThen? mTheore m uorenicorn unicorns, gurs,u sgur, anud s, and 9191 9191

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