ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 88 88 social networks know no geographic boundaries or time zones — they’re social networks know no geographic boundaries or time zones — they’re on and available 24/7/365. on and available 24/7/365. The power of peer to peer has never been greater. Think about who The power of peer to peer has never been greater. Think about who you trust. Do you trust brands, logos, ads, corporate messaging, or do you trust. Do you trust brands, logos, ads, corporate messaging, or do you trust other buyers just like yourself? you trust other buyers just like yourself? As a sales professional, I used to think that I was the gateway to refer - As a sales professional, I used to think that I was the gateway to refer - ences, but I started to realize that instead, buyers are going to LinkedIn ences, but I started to realize that instead, buyers are going to LinkedIn on their own and finding hundreds of peers who have used our products on their own and finding hundreds of peers who have used our products and those of our competitors. They are questioning references before and those of our competitors. They are questioning references before they evethey even talk ton talk to you. you. The answer, as you may already suspect, is in social selling, which you The answer, as you may already suspect, is in social selling, which you means toilit faacteilit theate b theuyi nbguyi prongc epross throughcess through the ad theept ad usepte use might say means to fac might say of socofial so netcialw netorkws. orIt kmse. Itan ms ebaneins gb eiabnleg toab lege toner geatener reveatenu revees nuthroesu throgh a ugh a procespros thatcess thatmore more closely reclosely resembslesemb serviles snervig thnang thselliann sgelli. ng. The bTheest bsalesest salesprofes professionaslio isna notl is m nerelyot m erelypres eprent sine nsot cinia sol — ciashel — hsheas has used usesocida sl ocito apositiol to position herns elfher asself credi as cbredile, highlyble, highly know klendogewleabdgele, abanled , and well conwelln conectendecte. Shed .i sS hean iins foran mainfortioman cotioncn iergconceierg, ande ,a and con ate contn cteonnnt coiosnnoi-s - seur. seuSher . knoShew knos wwhas tw toh asthare to s harewith wwhoith m.who Shem. iSs heviewe is viewed as adn as ex apern et xpert and highly truand highly trustworthstwyorth. y. InsteadInstead of aspiri of anspirig, asn previog, as previous geusner geationnerastion of saslespeople of salespeople did, to d ibde, to a be a greatergre hunterater hunter or a f orarm a efar,r todmera, ytod’s sauyper’s ssutperar iss taa rma is ga nmaet gfornet her for bu heryer bus. yers. 9090 9090

How Social Selling Has Transformed Sales - Page 5 How Social Selling Has Transformed Sales Page 4 Page 6