ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 88 88 ninjasninjas you’re yo conu’ren conectende cwithted ,with the ,higher the higher your yosoucira sl occaipital caal pitskyrocal skyrockets. kets. It’s PsychologyIt’s Psychology 101, j 1us01t ,i jnus thet in s theocial s sophercial sepher. e. That Thatsaid, sthereaid, there are saorem es ogromeund gro undrule s rulein sthi ins gathims ega ofm ec oofns tcanonst tant connconectionection. Donn. ’tD boen #’tS boec i#aSlSotcuiapidlSt. uFollopid. Follow thew sethe gusied eligunideseli: nes: Go forGo qualityfor quality over overquantity. quantity. Everyo Everyone wnane tws antot sget to toget 500 to + 500+ connconectionections onn Lis nonke LidInnk,e andInd ,that and’s that a good’s a good goal togo haval toe .hav Bute the. Bu tnumb the number er of coof connectionnections is sens is secondcaryond toary the to q theuality qua of colity of connecnntioens.ctio Dons.n’t em Don’t embark bark on a conon an conectionnection rampage rampage for the for sa theke saof jkue iof jcing youicinug yor nuumr nuberm. ber. No genericNo generic invites invites allowed. allowed. First iFirmspret imssionpresssion mattes mr,a anttedr, seanndding sen dinga a generigeneric invitec invite is just is plai jusnt plai lazyn. Fig Fig outure the out c othemm coommnalitieonsalitie yous h yoaveu hwaitveh with the pertheson per youson’d you like’d to lik ceo tonne cocnt newithct .w Dithid .yo Diud go to the s you go to amthee s amcollege college? e? MentioMention thant . thDoat . yoDou hyoaveu hcoavenn coecnntioensctio inns c oimmn coommn? Aosnk? hoAswk hothewy they knowkno thewm the. Remse. aRrecshe hoarcwh hoyouw can you b cane relev be relevant toan but toild bu a relilda atio relnsatiohipns to hip t o drive revenudrive revenue. e. I oftenI often spen dspe a fendw a m feinuw mtesinu Gtesoogli Googling sonmgeo sonmeeo I wanne It wan in mt yin n metyw norketw. ork. For instanFor instance, beforece, before I con In ceonctende cwteithd wLeeith CoopeLee Cooper, Chiefr, Chief Comm Coermmcial ercial OfficerOfficer at GE at, I searcheGE, I searched his dn amhis en andame fo andund fo aund vid eoa vi ofdeo hi mof bhieimn gb eiinntegr inte-r - viewedvie woned wh ona twh maakt ems aak grees aa tgre coamt mercomcmerial officiacl eoffir. I cwaer. tIc hedwatc it,hed w rotit, e wrote downdow then athettrib auttribtes uhetes me hen tiomennedtio, nanded, uandsed uthesed kthenow klendogewle todge ta toilo r tailo r my invitmy invitationa. tion. KeepK ineep mi innd mi thnadt thwhenat w yohenu syoendu sae ndLin ak eLdInink erequedIn request vias ta vima oab ilme obile devicdevice, youe, needyou need to cli tock colinc kthe on three little dots the three little dinots the in top the right top rightcorn ecr orner and selectand select “Perso “Pnaersolizena Inlizevit eIn.” vitIf eyou.” If cyoulick c“liCconk n“Ceonct,”n eitc tw,”ill it swenilld sthene d the generigeneric invitce invit. e. In generalIn general, the ,a thert of a rtthe of Lin theke LindInk eindviteIn in ivites ma ikis nmga kiit nabg oitu abt theoumt the, nomt , not abouabot youut ayound whanda twh yoaut wyoantu w. Iantt’s .ab Ito’su abt coounnt ceocnntinegc, ticnogn,gr caotnugrlaatitnugla, ting, and relandating rela toting th atot indivithat individual. duaAndl. jAusndt li jkuse tm liakike nmgaki friengn dfries ornd dsati orn dgati, thne g, the relationrelastionhip developship develops overs overtime .time. #SociallySurround#SociallySurround yourself, yourself, both both internally internally and andexternally. externally. Now Now that youthat knoyouw kno thew a thert of a thert of i nthevit ein, uvitsee ,it u! seCo itnn! Ceocnnt weithct winithtere insteretings antingd and influentialinfluential people people on L inonke LdinInk,e follodIn, wfollo thewm the onm T wonitte Twr, itteandr, sandhare s htheiarer their posts.posts. It’s also It’s walsoise wtoi slooke to atlook who at wyourho yournew cnoenwt accotn follotact ws,follo andws, folloand w follow some of those peoplsome of those people. Smea. rty-pSmaarty-pnts ofant as feofa ather flo feather flock togetheck r. together. 9292 9292

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