HoHoww Soci SociHoHoww Soci Sociaal Selling Hasl Selling Hasaal Selling Hasl Selling Has TTrarann sforsforTTrarannmmsforsforeedd mmSSalealeeedd ssSSalealess And Anthisd thisdoes nd’oest juns’tt jugos t forgo eforxtern exaternl coanl taccotns.t acFitnsd. Fithend internthe internal al influeninfluencers act yourers at your com pcoanmy panandy canondne cocnt newith thect with them as wmell as. well. Attend events. Opportunities to meet people face to face are fan - Attend events. Opportunities to meet people face to face are fan - tastic, whether at a major conference or a quick trip to Starbucks. tastic, whether at a major conference or a quick trip to Starbucks. Don’tDo disparagen’t disparage live meetingslive meetings, eve,n eve in nthe in digitalthe digital era. Ceraoffee. Coffee is fo r is for connecocntorsnec. tors. That Thsaiad,t saalsid,o baels opre besent pre asentt on alinet on evelinen evets. Follonts. Follow thew eve then evet hanshtt haag shtag on Twonitter Tw itterto get to regetal-ti remael-ti tmakee awatakeyawas froyms froattem nadeettens.dee Rets.w Reetetw aneetd and responresd ponto thed tose t thewseetse tw toeets be to there be there without without actua allyct buaeing therlly being there. e. No piNotchi pintcg hiallongw aellod.w eDdo. n ’Dt otryn’ tto try pit toch pit orc hset or up set a upde ma ode inm youo inr your LinkeLdIinnk einvitedIn invites. Gets. peopleGet people in your in yournetwork network, b , build a relationship, uild a relationship, and then you can address other ends, but that and then you can address other ends, but that’s mu’sc hm furtheruch further dow n down the line. the line. Channel your inner Gary Vaynerchuk and think about “jab, jab, jab, Channel your inner Gary Vaynerchuk and think about “jab, jab, jab, right hook” as “give, give, give, ask.” Establish credibility and build trust right hook” as “give, give, give, ask.” Establish credibility and build trust before before anything elanything else. se. Don’tDon’t use social use social as another as another channel channel to spam. to spam. This iThis self-s ise self-xplanaexpltoranay. tory. You sYhoouu sldho ounllyd oconnlynect con nectwith withpeople people who wyouho’ reyou gen’reu geninelyu ininelytere instereted sted in buinild buingil daing relatio a relationshipn shipwith .w Aith ne. Aw neLinwk edLinInk edcoInnnection connection or T woritte Twr itter followfolloer swhoeru sldho buel dtre baete tred awteithd wrespeith respect, notct ,a ns ota taasrget a ta forrget interruptiv for interruptive e and oandbno oxbniouosx iomuesss magiessnga.gi Ynoug. wYouould wnould’t gon ’tu pgo to u pa tone wa nepersonw person at a at a cocktcaocktil partyail party and stanadrt stshoartu stinghou abtingout ab yourselfout yourself and yourand yourcom pcanomy,p sano y, so don’t ddoon’t do it online. it online. It’s okay to connect with people you’ve never met in person. In fact, It’s okay to connect with people you’ve never met in person. In fact, I I encourenacourge ita!ge Ju stit! maJustke ma sukree yousure perso you personalizena yolizeur yorequestur request and canleadrl cy learly explainexplain why youwhy’d you like’d to lik bee to a pbeart a ofpa theirrt of theirnetw netorkw. Rorkem. eRmbemeremb to erma toke make it aboit uabt theoum, t thenotm, younot. you. I haveI haa uvenique a unique philo philosophysophy on letting on letting people people into m inyto net mwy netorkw borkecau bsee cause of whofat w I dhoa.t II letdo .ju I slett a jubostu at boanyubt aonydyb intoody my into net myw netorkw ifork they if ’theyre genuinel’re genuinely y interested in connecting with me. But not everybody has that philosophy, interested in connecting with me. But not everybody has that philosophy, and that’s okay. Some people won’t accept an invitation from someone and that’s okay. Some people won’t accept an invitation from someone they’ve never met in person. That’s their decision and you have to they’ve never met in person. That’s their decision and you have to respect that, but it never hurts to ask. respect that, but it never hurts to ask. 9393 9393

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