ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 88 88 3. Use content to engage your buyer3. Use content to engage your buyer WhenWhen I was I awa saless a srepales at rep Eloqua at Eloqua (where (w hereI was I kwnasow knn owas Jilloqn as Jilloqua anud a and the EloQueen)the EloQueen) sellin gselli inntog m inartok etingmarketing depa rtdepmeanrttms, eI nretas,d I everyread every publi pucatioblin cation marketimarngketi profeng professionassiols reanalsd . reaAndd. IA dnidd nI ’td idjusnt’ tpa jussst ivelypass ivelycons umcones —um Ie a —lso I also sharedsh aarticlered asrticle acrosss ac myross n etmyw norket wanorkd co anmdme comntedme onnted other on other peopl people’s poste’ss post. s. WhileWhile it might it might sound so cundounteri counnterituitivnteu, itivI triee, dI trieto dp utot phelpiut helping mnyg cu msy- cus - tomerstomers above ab oveselli nsellig ton gthe tom the. Thatm. ’sThat why’s wI emhy uI lemateudl atheirted theirread irengad anind g and sharingsharing habits ha asb itsmu asch mu asc poh asss iblpoess. Iibl eaerne. I eda rnetheird theirtrust truby sktn boyw kinnogw winhgat what they cared athey cared about baonudt ac antivelyd actively contri cbuontingtribu toting the to c othenvers conaverstiona. tion. The coThentrib countingtribu partting waparts kwaeys. Bukeily.d Buingil dknoingw knoledgewle wasdge owasnly opnalyrt opf art of the eqtheuation equation — my — n myewfo newfound insights wou und insights lwdno’ut lhavedn’t havehelpe helped med bu miled bu a ild a reputation areputation as a trus stea trd austedvid asordvi if snoro oif nneo k onneew I kn head w Ithem had them. . For eForxampl example, mye hu, mysband husband read sre aThds e WThaell SWtreetall S treetJourn Joalurn everyal every morn m-orn - ing. iMeang. nMeawhilnewhil, I’me , scI’mrolli scnrollig throng uthrogh uthegh uthepda utepsda oten s moyn Lminyk eLdinIn kedIn homehome page page liking liki, comng, mcomentimnegn otin,ng and on, sandhari nshga otherring other peopl people’s coen’ste contn. tent. AlthoughAlthough the i nthefor mainfortionma htione’s choensum’s consuming winogu ldw obueld very be vveryaluab valeluab to leth e to the peoplepeople in his in n ethisw nork,etw heork, h ashe n hoas ab nilityo ab toility sh toare sh, unarlee, ssun heless cu hets outcuts th oute the articlearticle and phy ands iphycallysi cseallynd ss eitnd tos o itn toe per oneso pern. Theson. i mThepac imt ofpac otn ofe-to- onmane-to-y many far outweighfar outweighs thats of othatn of oe-to-one-to-one. ne. You mightYou might think thi connkte cnotn belotent nbelogs exngclsus exivelyclus ivelyin the in real them real of mma ofrk maetinrkgeti, ng, but I butbeg I tobeg d iffeto rd. iffeIn far. cInt, faI sceet, Ithe see mo dern sales the modern persalessopern asso nm oreas m ofore a of a mini-mmini-marketerark thaetern thaa hanrd a ,h calordsi, ncglo macsinghi macne.hine. ContentContent is the is ctheurre cncurrey ofnc ythe of mtheod ermno dsaerlens saprofeles professionasslio, bunatl, thibus t this is newis newterritory territory for sa forlespeopl salespeople, ande, qanduestio qunsestio arinsse .a I’rivese . tI’acvekle tacd klethe d the answansers to three ofwers to three of the m theost co mommst coommn beloon bw:elow: What content should I be sharing?What content should I be sharing? Lots Lofots people of people share s htheirare theircom pcanomyp’san coyn’stent con, tentand, thatand ’sthat fine’s. finJuset . Just makema sukree situ’sre not it’s thenot onlythe onlyconte contn teyonut syohaur es.h Anare .e Anndle essnd sletressam stre oamf of brandebradn cdeontent frod content from onme s oonuerce so geturces agetnns oyiannng foyiasntg f. ast. Instead,Instead, get downget down with wOithPC —OP otherC — other peopl people’s coen’ste cnotn. teWnht.a tW othehat r other peoplpeople? Juste? aJustbout a baoutnyb aondyyb wodhyo ’sw whoriti’s nwgriti: anangly: anasts, lybsloggerts, bloggers, thos,u ghthot ught leaders,lea dconers,s ultconantssult, aprntsactitio, practitioners, neersxpert, exs,pert thes, li thest goe lists goeon. s on. 9494 9494

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