ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 77 77 • Community sharing (LinkedIn groups, Salesforce Success • Community sharing (LinkedIn groups, Salesforce Success Community, and so on)Community, and so on) • Content hubs and resource sections• Content hubs and resource sections • Nurture journeys• Nurture journeys • Email• Email • Paid social ads• Paid social ads • Paid search• Paid search • Display banner ads• Display banner ads • Outreach to those involved in your campaign (customers, • Outreach to those involved in your campaign (customers, prospects, thought leaders, partners, and so on)prospects, thought leaders, partners, and so on) PuttingPutting all of athill ofs together this together creates cre aa tesrob au srot cbaumstp caaigmn,p awigheren, w hereall tac aticll ts actic s drivedrive bac k batock theto thebig bgoal-ig goal-drivindgrivi piengc epie. Wceith. Wthiiths thiplethors plethora of a of tactics,tactics, focus fo isc uscruc isial cr.uc Moreial. More is not is n neotce ssanecrilyessa brilyette br.ette Seler.c St elethec tta thecti ctas ctics that work bethat work best fors yot foru ba yosedu ba osedn the on follothe wfolloingw criteriing cariteri: a: • Budget:• Budget: Do you have the money? Do you have the money? • Resources:• Resources: Do you have enough manpower? Do you have enough manpower? • Time:• Time: Is there enough time to get it all done well? Is there enough time to get it all done well? • Effectiveness:• Effectiveness: Has this been an effective tactic in the past? Has this been an effective tactic in the past? WhileWhile I reco Im recomemndme goindn ggoi bigng a tb firigs att, bfirys plt, anbyni plnang niountg the ou tb theigge bsigget, mosts,t most badabadss caamss pcaaignmp aimagiign imaginablenab, theles, ethe fouser elemefour elements abntoves ab woveill help will helpyou you edit backedit backto re atolit rey, aanlitdy, daneterd dmeterinem winhate w ishat tru ilys trimulyport imaportnt andant feandasibl feeas. ible. After allAfter all, your, your camp caaigmpn maigustn m buste 10 b0%e 1, 010%00% of, 100 % ofthe ti theme .time. SelectingSelecting Your Composition Your Composition You’veYou’ve mapped mapped out yourout yourcam pcaaigmnp asigtranteg strya. tegIt’sy .ro Itb’su srot baunsdt faunlld off ull of tactics you’vetactics you’ve seen seeworkn w inork the in p theast for yopast for yourselfu orrself other or other busin busessiens. Iests’s es. It’s manamangeableageable from froma tim ae ,tim bude, getbud, getand, andreso urercseo uperrces peperctivspee.c tivNoew . Now it’s time toit’s time to deter dmeterinem theine c ompothe compositions.ition. How Howwill yo willu d yoevelopu develop the e-book? the e-book? Who Wis hothe i sau thethor au ofthor the of b thelog bpologsts po? sts? The moreThe more reso urercsefulour candeful candollab colloraabtiveor ayotiveur yocounrte cnotn strivetent strives to bse to, th be e, the moremore it will it empo will empower yourwer ayourudie ancudiee tonc groe tow gro, innwovat, inneovat, ande ,flo anduri floshu. Therrish.e There are tware to bwigo abspeig catspes toc cots tons icoderns wheidern whe developin developing theng c theom pocosmitiopon:sitio youn:r your audienaudience andce your and syourelf. self. 8484 8484