Building Building Building Building GGrereaaGGtt MMrereaaaarrttkk MMeting eting aarrkketing eting CCaammppCCaaaaignignmmppssaaignignss EffectivEffee,c ctivreea,tiv cree,a ativnde , mandold m-bolreda-kingbrea makingrk maetingrketing weigh wseigh boths btheoth t athec ta-c - tical eleticaml eleentms aennd tsthe and cthe ompositiocomposition evenn evely. nly. #2 Composition: #2 Composition: #1 Tactic: What is it? How will you do it? #1 Tactic: What is it? How will you do it? E-booE-kbook IntervieInterview 10 thought leaw 10 thought leaders with 1ders with 10 0 questionsquestions each. each. Blog posBlogt post Write Wa riteblog a postblog using post using the a nsthe weranss wers to fiveto of those question five of those questions. s. Social postSocial posts s FeatuFeatre the ure the most mimpaost cimpatful thoctful thought ught leader quotesleader quotes. . WebinWaebir nar Conduct Conad fireuct saide firecshat ide wchat ith three owith three of f the thoughtthe thought leaders lead. ers. Let’s Lbaetck’s baupck. Houpw. Hodidw wdeid d wetere dmeterinem thinaet thwea’tre w deoing’re d oinga we ab iwenarb, inar, e-booke-b, ookblog, blogpost ,po ansdt, saoncdia sl opostcial spost? Whys? Whydid wedid d weeci ddee ctoid ein tervieto interview w thoughtthought leader lesad? Lerets’?s Lbetre’as kb dreowak dn theown wh they. why. Selecting Your TacticsSelecting Your Tactics Start Swtaithrt wa ithcentr a centralizeda lizepieced piece of co ofnte contn thteantt wthilla tserve will serve as yo ausr yomeuar tmy, eaty, will suck up the majority goal-goexceeal-exdiceeng depiceing epicenter. nThitesr. coThinstent con pietentc epie ce will suck up the majority of your time, budget, and resources, but spit out the most return. of your time, budget, and resources, but spit out the most return. Determining your content epicenter depends on your goals. Determining your content epicenter depends on your goals. Goal Content Focus Goal Content Focus Awareness SlideShare, podcast Awareness SlideShare, podcast Lead generation E-book, webinar Lead generation E-book, webinar Free trials and early purchases Customer stories, product videos Free trials and early purchases Customer stories, product videos From there, you’ll need subsidiary content to support your meaty From there, you’ll need subsidiary content to support your meaty epicenter piece. This is where your tactics start to rev up. After all, if an epicenter piece. This is where your tactics start to rev up. After all, if an e-book launches without promotion, it’s basically like a tree falling in the e-book launches without promotion, it’s basically like a tree falling in the woods. Nobody hears it. Tactical elements to promote and support your woods. Nobody hears it. Tactical elements to promote and support your big content piece might include: big content piece might include: • Blog posts • Blog posts • Guest blog posts • Guest blog posts • Social posts • Social posts • Internal social network sharing (Chatter, for example) • Internal social network sharing (Chatter, for example) 8383 8383

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