
Chapter 9

Chapter 9Chapter 9 AppExchange: The Fastest Path to AppExchange: The Fastest Path to MVPMVP By MiBy Mike Kreake dKerean den As oneAs oneof the of thefoun foundingd mingem mbemersb ofers the of theAppEx AppExchangche ange teamte, amMike, Mike has hwaorkes worked withd w hunith dhunreddsre ofd ss tartupsof startups and and indepenindependentd entsoft wasoftrewa venre dvenorsd overors over the theyea ryes toar shel top help themthe dmevelop, develop, pos itionposition, and, amndarket ma rkettheir their solutions solutions for for distridbistriutionbution withi within then theAppEx AppExchange.change. Underst Understandinanding g howho tow use to usethe theAppE AppExchaxcngeha ngeas a asdistin a distinct channelct channel to to reachreach the Sathelesforce Salesforce customer customer is key is keyto the to sucthec sucessc oef ss of the applicthe applicationatio annd athend ctheomp company aitself.ny itself. In thi Ins thichas pterchapter, , MikeMike lays loutays outan a appron approach aforch uforsin ugs theing AppExthe AppExchangche ange for cuforsto cumstoer mdierscovery discovery and arenacd rehingaching produ product/marketct/market fit fit for yourfor your AppEx AppExchangecha ngeapplic application,ation, and apotentind potentially youally r your serviceservice as a a wholes a whole. . AlmostAlmost everyo everyone inn e enterpriin enterprise softse wasoftrewa hreas hheasa rdhe aarbod uat bothue t the AppEAppExchanxcgeha norge perhor aperhps aevenps even use d useand AppEan AppExchangexcha ngeapp aaspp a as a SalesforceSalesforce custo cumstoer. mTheer. TheAppE AppExch xch angean mgear kmetplarkacetple iacs en oisw nmowor e more than than10 ye 10ars ye oldars aoldnd haansd thouhas sandthoussand of as ppofs alippstes dli sbtey dtho byu sthoandsus andsof of independentindependent softwa softrewa venred venors d(ISorsVs ).(IS CuVssto). Cumstoersm heraves hiansveta lleinsdt amlleord e more than than4 millio 4 millions appnss appands b aillionnd bsillion of dsollar of dsollar in reves innu revee hnuase bee hasn bee genner geatenerd ated by AppEby AppExchangexcha pngeartner pasrtner. By severy. By every measu mereasu, there , AppEthe AppExchanxcgeha isnge a is a successusfcceul smasfurl kmaetplrkacetple. ace. businessbusiness apps appsand aservind cservies clieske liDkoce uSDocign,uS igZn,uor a,Zu orQa,ui ckQBuooickkBs, ooks, CornerstonCornerstone, Xace,tl Xy,ac MtlayilChim, MailChimp, anpd, otherand others haves hbuaveilt buAppEilt AppExchanxcghe ange apps to taapps to take adkve anadtagevan tageof thi ofs i mthiports imanportt chanannt chelann forel d iforstri dbuistiotribun. tion. The kTheey to k eythe to s uthecce sssuc ofce thess of AppE the AppExchanxgechan is thgea ist it th’sa ntot it’ sju nsott a ju mast rak maet rket- - placeplace of ex terof enaxterl appsnal athatpps ithatntegr inategrte withate withSales Sforalecesfor, bucet ,a bu directoryt a directory of of apps appsbuilt bwuithilt wcoreith cSaoreles Saforlecesfor Plactfore Plmatfor tecmh nteologiechnologies thats ethncaat pencasulapte sulate 102102 102102

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AppEAppEAppEAppExxchchaange:nge:xxchchaa nge:nge:The FThe F The FThe Faasteststestaasteststest PPaath to MVth to MV PPaath to MVth to MVPP PP the logicthe ,logic workflo, workflow, cownt, ecoxtuntaelxtu UI, aandl UI, s andecu resec daureta integrdata integrationa totion provi to provide de a seama seleamss uleserss euxperieser experience for the nce for the custocmustoer. mer. The originThe original visional vision of the of AppE the AppExchangexcha wanges towa provides to provide for a fortran asp traanr spa-r - ent menartk metplarkacetple wacheree w herecusto cmustoersm werouls wd oulreviewd review and raanted arapptes abppasse d based on theiron theirexperience experience and uansed. Musuech. M iunch the in samthe esam waey waas yA maas zoAman anzod n and Yelp letYelp cu letsto cmuserstom raerste theirrate theirexperien experience withce withprod uctsprod auctsnd s aervicend services, the s, the AppEAppExchangexcha isnge desig is dnesiged tone allod tow allo forw Sa forles Sforcealesforce custo cmustoersm toers dis tocove disrc, over, consuconmes,u rmatee,, arantde ,revie and wrevie appsw afroppsm frothem S thealesforce Salesforce ecos yecostesmys atet lmarg ate l.arge. SomeSo ofm thee of solution the solutions are sbu areilt buenilttirely entirely using u thesing S thealesfor Salesforce Plactforme Platform, , whilew otherhile other apps ainppstegr inategrte usingate using App CloAppud Clo teudchnologies technologies, inclu, diningclu dthinge the API aAPndI theand Cothen necteConnected Apdp Ap framp efrwamork ew— ork provi— providing dforing the for cothent ecoxtnuatel xtual integrinategrtiona tioof nthe of ethextern external SaaalS SaofferingaS offering. Reg.a Rrdlesegasrdles of sthe of solutiothe solution n deliverydelivery mod elm,o thedel cu, thesto cumserto inmserta llsins antalls app an fro appm frothem AppE the AppExchanxchgean thaget that proviprovides thedes requisite the requisite func tionfuncationlity forality u sfore w uithin se within SalesSaforlecesfor. ce. ConnectedConnected Apps Apps If youIf hyouave hanave e xiansting exis SaatingS SaaapplicS applicationa thtionat yothaut wanyou twan to cont ton conect nto ect to SalesSaforlecesfor, yocue, hyoaveu haa vefew a optionfew options. Yous. cYoouuld c ojuusldt leverjust leverage theage ope then open API toAP reI adto arendad w aritend w dariteta vidaat aa seviac urea se OcureAuth OA conneuth connectionc. Ontione. consideOne consider r- - ationa wtionith wthisith m thisini maminl aimapprol aacpproh isac thha its thetha tAP theI is AP onlyI is freelyonly freely avail abavleail tabo le to custocmuserstom with eers with enterprisenterprise and u anlindm uitenlidm eiteditiod endsitio of the plns of the platformatform. . AnotherAnother consi coderationsideration is nth aist thmaatn ym enterpriany enterprise cussetomer customers uses thuse e the advanadvcedan sececdurity sec uritycontrols controls to restri to restrict APIct aAPIcce sascce onslys oton lyknow to known and n and trustetrud servicessted services, like tho, likese tho fousend fou onnd the on AppE the AppExchangxchea. Thenge .other The other optio option n is to tisa ktoe thetake n theext nstepext stotep integr to integrate yoateur yoserviceur service with wSaithlesforc Salesforce, usine,g using our coounrnect con nectapps a ppfrasm efrwamorkew. Dorkoin. gD oithinsg w thiills provi will provide thede c theusto cmustoer wmiterh with additioadnaditiol acnacel sasc andcess sec andu ritysec ucontrolsrity controls, there, thereby mabkingy ma yokingur yocounnr cecteonnd ected app enterpriseapp enterprise frien dfrienly. dly. If yoIuf ’veyo ut’veake nt aktheen conthe nconectednected app aappppro aacpproh actoh integrto integrate wateith with SalesSaforlecesfor, thece ,n theext nqueexts tioquens totio nas tok your ask syourelf iss elf“W ish a“Wt addhatitio addnaitiol vnaalul e value does dtheoes cu thesto cumserto getmer fro getm frothism integratiothis integration?” Thisn?” wThisill le wadill leyouad fyouurthe fur rther downd othewn ro thead roofad cu ofsto cmustoer dmiscoveryer discovery and wanilld li wkelyill li ukncoverely uncover additio adnaditiol nal functiofunnactiolityna thlityat thshouldat should be dbeliveree delivered withid wn ithithen theSale sSaforlecesfor usece r user experieexperience — nce via — anvi AppEa an AppExchangexcha angepp. app. 103103 103103

ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 99 99 AppExchangeAppExchange Apps Apps At theA tpoint the point where w hereyou wan yout wan to etnc toap encsulapatesu yolauter yocounnr ceocnntore dcefinitiotor definitions ns (through(through the u these ofuse the of C theonn Ceocnntede cAppted Appfram efrwamork)ew forork) sca forlab scale labdisletr idistr- i - butionbution or inclu or dinclue otherde other native na Stiveales Sforalecesfor fucnec tiofunnactiolityna inlity the in d theefin ditioefin nition and dandelivery delivery of yo ofur yosolutiour solution, you’n,ll yo beu’ cllre baeti cnrega antin gAppE an AppExchanxcgehan apgep. aIf pp. If you createyou create an end-to-end an end-to-end solutio solnu btiouiltn bentirelyuilt entirely with wSaithles Saforlecesfor Plactfore Plm atform technologiestechnologies, suc,h sucas hL ightas Lnighting nDinegs igDne sSigysnte Smys teandm andForc eFor.comce,. comfor , for examplexaempl, youre, yourAppE AppExchanxcgehan appge iapps a co ism a pletecomplete solutio solution readn yre toad iyns tota lil nstall via the AppEvia the AppExchangxchea. nge. WhileWhile this sothisunds sounds like twolike twodifferent different scena scrioenas —rio os n—e forone the for SaatheS -SaaS- connconectendecte appd aappnd theand other the other for the for c theom pletecomplete solutio solnu butioiltn buwithilt withApp App CloudClo technologieud technologies — theys — they’re ac’treua acllyt uamorelly more simil asrim thilaanr you might thi than you mightnk thi. nk. As wAse’ll wseee’ll insee the in ntheext nseecxttion sec, tionthe , inthetegr inategrtiona oftio nyo ofur yoSaaurS SaaappliS acpplia ca- - tion withtion withSalesfor Salesforce provice provides thedes untheiq uune iqopportue opportunityu fornity yo foru toyo uthi tonk think abouabot howut howyour yosolutiour solution willn b we illu sebed ubsey dthe by Sa theles Saforlecesfor usceer, uswithier, wn ithithe n the SalesforSalesforce workfloce workflow thawt thmaakte ms theake ms theost mseonsst es.ense. ThereThere may mbeay sc beenario scenarios in ws hiinc hw hiyocu’h llyo wau’ntll wa tont provi to provide a dbue ttoa bun ttoto n to invokien voank eactio an nactio in yon inur yoexuterr enxalter servinal cseervi, inccelud, inec lUIud we ithiUI wn ithiSalens Saforlece sforce to interato incterat withct withyour yoservicur seervic, or eprovi, or provide ford ereport for reports, dass,h bdasoahrdbs,o aanrdd s, and analyticanalytics, pows, eredpow eredby Sa bleys Saforlecesfor Waceve W. Allav eof. All the ofse the addseitio addnaitiol fenaatlu fereas tures can bcane built be builtwith withSale sSforcealesforce Platform Platform tech nteologiechnologies ands dandelivered delivered via via your AppEyour AppExchanxchage anpgep. app. Introducing a New PersonaIntroducing a New Persona — The Salesforce User — The Salesforce User I’m frequentlyI’m frequently aske da sbkye dst abrtupy stasrtup ands dandeveloper developers for sad forvic ade ivin cgettie in ngettig ng to theto AppE the AppExchangexcha quicklnge quickly. Myy fir. Myst re firsspot rensspoe isns toe c ish toalle cnhgealle thenge per theso pern son (usually(us utheally fo theun dfoer)un odner) wh onat wh hisa ort his her or AppE her AppExchanxcgeha anppge daoepps dtooe asd tod add valueval foru ethe for joi thent joicunstot cumser?tom Thier?s opeThisns ope upns a udpiscu a dssiscuions wheresion where we ca wn e can talk atboalku at botheu tnee thed nee to cdo tonsi cdoern siwdhereer w herethe a theppli acapplitionca wtioilln b we illus beed, us wehd,at what existingexisting workflo workflows it wwsill it affe willc t/affeaucgt/mauengt/immenprove/replt/improve/replace, andace, wandhat w thhe at the SalesforSalesforce uscer e uexsperieer experience is nliceke i.s like. The firstThe nefirstw nepersow persona isna yo iusr yoinuter ndinetednd ended eusnder — userthe — Sathele sSaforclee sforce customecustomer. Cumsertosm areer sn aotre onnotly ounsilyn gu siyonugr yoappur orapp servi or cseervi, bucet , thebuy t the y are uaresing u siting in itcon inc ertcon wcertith wtheith Stheale sSforalecesfor appce theyapp theyare usarein gus aitn gth ae t th e time timeof inofvoc iantiovocna tioandn anduse . That c use. Thaotmb cionmbed inuseder useerxperie experience nc e 104104 104104

AppEAppEAppEAppExxchchaange:nge:xxchchaa nge:nge:The FThe F The FThe Faasteststestaasteststest PPaath to MVth to MV PPaath to MVth to MVPP PP needns eetod s btoe cbonsie cdonsieredd,ered develope, developed, andd, adnelivered delivered withind w ithinyou r you r AppEAppExchange xchaange pp. app. The second new persona is the Salesforce administrator who will need The second new persona is the Salesforce administrator who will need to install and manage your AppExchange application. Considerations to install and manage your AppExchange application. Considerations for hoforw hotheyw theymay maneedy n toeed provi to provide accede sascce (entitless (entitlement)m, econfignt), configure thuree the applicapplicationa, tionreport, report on da onta, da andta, orandchestr orchestrate workfloate workflow betww beteenw otheeen r other apps neeappsds nee tods be thought through to be thought through. . With Withthis kno thisw knoledgewle abdgeou abt wohuatt w goeshat goesinto d intoeveloping developing an AppE an AppExchangxche ange app, youapp ,c youan no cawn noseew that see therethat there is an otheris another dimen dismioenn tosio bne to con bes idereconsidered d whenw mhenapping mapping out your out your AppE AppExchanxchage MVnge MVP. P. FindingFinding Your MV Your MVP withP with AppExchange AppExchange FolloFollowingw uingp o nu pS eoann SJeaacobn Jasohcobns’soh chna’spter cha pteron the on fivethe elefivem eleentms eonf ts of MVP MVPsucce ssusc, cewess ca, wen ma canp maeachp eofach hi sof eleme his elements ton tsattri tob autesttrib autesnd cahandr char- - acteriacsticsteri of sticsan of AppEan AppExchangexcha angepp a anpp d listingand listing. . 1. Diversity of customers1. Diversity of customers Due Dtoue the to stheucc essucsfulces penetrsful penetrationa tiobyn Sbalesforcey Salesforce in a lli ncu asllto cumsetor mer segmsentsegm —ents SM —B, SM mB,id -mamidrk-maet, rkaetnd, aenndterprise enterprise — your— your AppE AppExchanxcghe ange listinglis ctianng reacanc hrea prochs pectiveprospective custo cmuserstom acersros acs arosll segs allm segentsm, eregionnts, regions, s, counctrieousn, trieansd, acunds tocumserto msizere . sizThee. TheSalesfor Salesforce ecceo systeecosmyste ism thie s the ideal place for you to reach prospects from outside your personal ideal place for you to reach prospects from outside your personal networks. On our initial path to MVP, we’re focused on getting networks. On our initial path to MVP, we’re focused on getting customer feedback on minimal, yet valued, functionality. That minimal customer feedback on minimal, yet valued, functionality. That minimal functionality still needs to solve a significant pain point for the customer. functionality still needs to solve a significant pain point for the customer. The cThehallenge challenge is find ising find theing right the rightset of s etfe aoftures features and fanundc tiofunctions to satisfy ns to satisfy your target segments. But how do your target segments. But how do you youeffectively effectively target ta rgetthe righthe t right segmsentsegm entswith wa ithsin glea si nAppEgle AppExchangexcha listinnge glistin? Wge? n Weede n toeed go to b acgok btaco k to Judy JuLoehrdy L’oehrs cha’spter cha pterin volu in mvolue oneme ofone “The of “STheaaS SFouaaSn Fouder’ns derGu’ids eG” uide” on positionion positioning andng meandss meagisnsga giton egn tosu reen sthuaret wthea’tre w tea’lkiren tgalki ton theg to righ thet right personpersonas, in theas, in the right warighty. way. If yourIf yourcurrent cu rrentapp sapperves serves the neetheds nee ofds sma of lls maandll laanrged l acrgeusto cmustoers mers alike,a youlike, neeyoud nee to dget to that get mthates samgees saacroge ssacro in ssyour in yourlistin glisti. Thisng. wThisork ws orks well wforell s iformple sim adpled-o adnsd-o inn ssa lesin ,s amalesr,k maeting,rketing, and serviand cservie, bcute , mabuty manot y not workw asork well as w withell cowithmprehe comprehensiven insivedu stryindu orstry vertic or vertical solutioal solutions. If yons.u If fi yond u find 105105 105105

ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 99 99 yourselfyourself challenge challenged in md einss magiesnsga giton mug toltiple multiple segm sentegms wentiths wonithe liosntien glis, ting, you mayyou mayneed need to go to through go through an ex aner cexiseer icni speac ink apgiacnkga giandng priandcing pri cto ing to target the righttarget the right segm segentm withent withyour li yostingur lis. ting. As anAs e xamplan example, in ethe, in ethearly edaarlyys, da Sayles, sSforalecesfor brocek eb rooukte itosu offerint its offering g into intwoto twodis tindicts tinecdtitio ends itio— nprofess — professionaslio naandl andenterpri enterprise. Inse . thIne the AppEAppExchangexchange cont ecoxtn, tyouext, wyouou lwd opuacldk apgeac kaandge proandm prootem totewo dtwistio ncdistit nct app applisti ngslisti n(wgsith ( wdifferentith different func tiofuncnatiolityna tolity serveto s erveyou r yosegur mseegnt)m. en t). In theIn spirit the spirit of fin ofdin fign diyourng MVyourP, MVI woPu, Il wd reouclomd remcomendm foendcus foincusg onin onlyg on oonlyne one initialin segmeitial segment, indntustr, indy, ustror verticy, or vertical. Effealc. tiveEffe cpotivesitioni positioning andng m andessa mgiessang ging will inwillcre inasecre thease li thekelihoo likelihood of sdo ofur csionugr ctainrgeteg targeted leads.d le Forads. other For other lead s leads AppExchaqngualifye, qu themalify them out e oarlyut eina rlythe in proce the process ss sourcesourced throughd through the AppE the xchange, and nurtand unurtre theurem the untilm uyontilu ayoreu re aadre yre toad eyn toga egeng wageith wtheithm, the asm,sum asinsumg ing they’re they’re a futurea future target ta for yorget for you. u. 2. Engagement2. Engagement The AppEThe AppExchanxgecha isn notge is ju notst a jmarust ak etplamarkcetplae to proce tom prootem yourote app your or app service or service; ; it alsoit alloalsows allo yowsu toyo duevelo to develop, pacpkag, paec,kag ande , dainstribd duistetrib coumte pletecom pleteapps athppat s that can bcauilnd b anuil AppEd an AppExchanxgecha appnge that app allothatws allo yourws yourservice service to work to workin con inc ercont cert with Swithales forSaleces forforc yoe forur tyoargetur ta urgetser. Yuouse rn. Yeeoud n toee thid tonk thiabnoku abt theou ut ntheifie udn uifiesedr user experienexperience of usceing of us bothing byouroth ayourpp an appd the an dS alesforthe Salesforce appce — app Sales — S Calesloud C, lofour d, for example example — to — solve to solve a particulara particular proble problem or smet or ofs probleet of problems. ms. You wYouan tw toan delivert to deliver your yourapp ianpp co innt ecxotn tote xthet to Stheale sSforcealesforce workflo workflow w procespros thcesats yothuatr yotargetur ta usrgeter iuss eerng isa egengda inge. Ford in a. llFor in tentall instent ands p andurpo psuerpos, ses, the enthed user end doeusers doenot sn noteed n toeed kn toow k whonow iwhos deliveri is delivering theng req theu ireqsiteu fiunsitec fun-c - tionalitytion toality solve to s olvehis or hi hers or proble her problem, Sam,lesfor Salesforce orc youe or. youThe. oThenly othinlyng thing that matterthat matters to users tos user is whethers is whether or not or it n sotolve it ssolve the spro theb lepromb orle mim orprove improves s arteda usrteding us yoinugr yosoluurtio solnu, tion, their theirproce process to thess to degree the degree that o thncate o theynce’ theyve st’ve st they canthey can no lo no longer nliveger w liveitho wuithot it. ut it. An exampleAn example of thi ofs i sthi thes i ssa theles saproless peproctispengc protingduc protivityductivity tool Ytooleswa Yereswa. re. YeswareYesware seam selesamslyles instegrly inategrtes wateiths wSaithles Sforcealesforce while w ushileing us Ouingtlook Outlook or or Gmail.Gmail. All pro Alls peprocts peactivitiect activities are ss ynarec esdyn toce Sad toles Saforlecesfor as ctheye as theyhappe han ppe— n — emailemail sent , seclinctk, scli, opencks, opens, atts,ac atthmacenhtm deownt ndloowads,nlo andads, sando o Ca on.le ndCaaler ndar evenevets are also nts are also updateupd datein Sd aleins Sforalecesfor auctoe aumatoticamallyti.cally. BesideBesides thes thereal-time real-time dat a dainttegra inategrtiona tioannd ansydn c,s ythenc, theYesw Yaree sware 106106 106106

AppExchange - Page 6

AppEAppEAppEAppExxchchaange:nge:xxchchaa nge:nge:The FThe F The FThe Faasteststestaasteststest PPaath to MVth to MV PPaath to MVth to MVPP PP AppEAppExchangexcha angepp in appclu deincsl uSadelesforces Salesforce reports reports and da anshbod dashboards toar deffes toc effec- - tivelytively meas mureea andsure mana and manage emgeails em anailsd a aggregnd aggregate emaateil e remasponil resspone rateses . rates. OnceOn a uceser a huasers e hxperieas experiencedn theced pro thed uproctivityductivity gain sg aaninds eaansed eofa seus eof o uf se of YeswaYereswa, theyre, theywill bweill h abred hpreards sepred stose dgo to ba gock batock the to manua the manual wayls w oaf ys of keeping theirkeeping their data inda synta inc .sync. 3. Churn 3. Churn ChurnChur is then is flip thesi dflipe ofsid thee of ad theoption adoption coin. cWithooin. Without suffiutc sieuffintc adienoptiot adoption n of yourof yoursolutio solution, youn, ayoure a at rerisk a tof risk ch ofur Hourn.w Hodoesw dtheoes AppE the AppExchangxche ange help youhelp you in ma inxi mamizixinmg iziadnoption g adoption and mandinimizi minnimizig chnugr nch? urn? The AppEThe AppExchanxchgean andge uandnderlying underlying Salesforce Salesforce Platfor Plmatfor providem provide tools tools for supportingfor supporting your yourcusto cmuserstom dersirectly directly in their in theirSales Sforcealesforce organ orgizatioanization. n. app (LMA) that allows you to manage ThereThere is a li icse an selic emannse agemanmageentment app (LMA) that allows you to manage entitlement forent yo forur AppEyour AppExchangexcha angepp, soap thp, asot you tha tc youan ru cann free run tri freeals ,tri adad ls, add entitlem and reandmove rem liovecense lics,ense ands, ma annda magen leaageds le generads generated batedy your by AppEyour AppExchanxchge ange successusc cesprogrs program toam better to better service service your yourcusto cmustoersm anersd helpand helpyou drivyoue drive adoptioadoption for yon for your solutionur solution. . 4. Commitment4. Commitment The bTheetter b etteryour yoursolutio solnu istio atn solving is at solving a recurri a recurring orn perg orsiste pernstiste pronbt lepromb, lem, the higherthe higher the li ktheelihoo likelihood thadt youthat’ll you be ’allble be toable negoti to negotiate longerate longer term, ter anm,d and upfrontupfront, contr, coactsntr wactsith yo with your cuustor cmuserstom. ers. In theIn ethearly edaarlyys dofay sfin ofd ingfin dyoingur yoMVurP , MVdoPn, ’tdo getn’t tooget hungtoo hung up o upn on securingsecu ringlong-ter long-term contrm contracts. acAsts . yoAsu yogetu theget feedthe bacfeedk bacfrokm froyomu r your custocmuserstom abersout ab theirout theirsucc essucs withcess withyour yoursolution solution, work, w toork convert to convert their their contrcacontrts iacntots loinntoger-ter longer-term, mum,ltiye mualtiyer coanrtr acDists.c oDuisntc oinucent nintivescen tivesfor for annuanal annudal mu andltiye mualtiyer conartr coactsntr sahoctsu sldho bue ledn boeu eghno tough convert to convert happy ha eppyarly early adoptersadopters who awhore o nare m oonth-to-n month-to-monthm ocnonthtra cocntstra toc atsnn toua annl contrual contract teractms ter. ms . valuevsa aluends beanndefit besn thefitats ththe at the FocusFo oncus d eliveringon delivering and dandocu dmoenticumnentig theng the custocmuserto mexperiener experiences wcithes wyoithur yosolutionur solution. Ongoing. Ongoing custo cmustoer msuercce ssus ccess touchpointstouchpoints shou sldho theuldn thebe nu sebed utose da ffirtom a ffiranmd reanadffir rema ffirthism dthiseliver delivery y of vaoflu ev, aaluned, asetnd theset sttheage st aforge afor su caces suscfulces csonversionful conversion to an tonu anal nual commcoitmmmenittm froenm t froyour m your custocmuserstom. ers. 107107 107107

ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 99 99 5. Word of mouth5. Word of mouth Ask anyAsk mar anyk mareterk toeter tell to yo tellu the you mo thest mo effectivest effective form formof ma ofrk maetinrkgeti, annd g, and they’ll they’ll alwaysalways say wor sayd worof mod ofu thmo. uth. We haveWe haveseen seethen e mtheerge emncergee ofnc ae n ofew a canetegoryw category of soft ofwa softrewa to mare tona mage nage this effect.this effect. Advo Acdacvoy macacryk maetinrkgeti plantforg plmsatfor likmse In liflkueitive Influ proveitive prove that mana that managing ging AppEAppExchangexchange ecos yecostesmys iste omn eis of on thee of pillar the pillars of sus ccofe sssucc foress Sa forles Saforlecesfor, a ce, a multibillion-dollarmultibillion-dollar comp coanmyp wanithy mwithillio mnsillio of nsen ofd u esnerds. u Thesers. AppE The AppExchanxcghe ange markmaretplaketplace supportce supports worsd w ofor md outhof m outheffort efforts by sa llobyw ainllogw cusingto cusmerstom to ers to rate andrate revieand wrevie appws. app Theses. These revie wsrevie canws bcane us beed ustoe sdo tour cseo ucusrcetome customer r storiesstories and identifyand identify potenti potential advoal acadtesvoca fortes yo forur yocompur canompy anandy proanddu proct.duct . The criticalThe critical piece piece of thi ofs e thicoss yescteosmys ites omu ri scus outor cusmerto bamerse .ba Ouser .colle Our ccolletive ctive customercustomers ares pareart pofa rtthe of lthearger la rgerSale sSaforlecesfor Ochean Oahan — a the — Stheale sSforcalee sforce familyfa milythat thatinclu deincsl ueveryodes everyone inn thee in vthealu ev aclhaiue nc haiof nthe of developthe developmentm, ent, deliverdelivery, andy , uasned of u soeu ofr s oolutiour solutions. Ons.han Oah isa neam ibos edmiebod dinie thed in theSa lesSaforlece sforce commcommunityu atnit largy ate larg, an eonli, ann onlie annde physicand physical comal mcounmitymun ofity us ofer user grou pgros, ups, influencersinfluencers (MVP (MVPs), parts),n parters, nanders, eandmployee employees whos wareho w aorkire wnorkig togetheng together r to driveto drive valu eval anude aadoptiond adoption, andn, carenda tecre poatesitive pos itivechan cgehan wgeithi wn ithieacnh each customercustomer company company and i andn the in ecothes ecoystes m ysteas m a wahols a we.hole. User Usergrou psgro aunpsd MVP and sMVP are sli kareely li thekely be thest plbeacste pl toac seta tort syotaurtr yocusutor cusmetor mer one doneoes dnotoes mar notk maret tok etthe to Sa thelesfor Salesforce uscere grouseru pgro coump mcounmitymun ority MVP or sMVP. s. You needYou need to appro to aacpproh theachm the withm wauiththe auntithecityn tiandcity bande ab bovee ab boveoar db owaitrdh with your yourintentio intentions. Thenss. eThe twsoe gro twou psgro ofu pspro ofspe proctsspe arects c oammre coittemmd itteto gettid to ngettig ng the mtheost m oostut ofou theirt of theirSales Sforcealesforce inve sitnmveesntt,m asen t,w ellas aswell ad asvanc adivnancg thine g the ecosysteecosmyste as am whole as a whole — yo— ur syooluurtio solnu inctiolnud incedlud. Approed. Approachinagchi thengse the userses users with awithn opport an opportunityu tonity provi to provide hodnee host feenesdbact feedback on ak n oewn a s nolewutio solnu istio usuan is llusuay lly the bethest waybest to engageway to engage this aud thisie audnceie ofn ceea rlyof adearlyopter adopters and s ainnfld ueinnflceruesn. cers . By exploitingBy exploiting the trtheans trpaansrenpta renanttu rena tofure the of AppEthe AppExchanxcghae, ningcle,ud ininclg uding reviewreviews ands ratiandn gratis, youngs ,c youan help can helpnurtu nreu rtwuorred w ofor md outhof m outhand gaiandn gaiearlny early reviewreviews in outs inb ououtndbou mandrk maetinrkgeti andng pro andm prootiomnotio as an m asean a ms ofean bus ofild buingil trdiusngt trust and credibilityand credibility with withpros pectprosspect ands cusandto cusmertos.m Terres.ati Tnrega yotinugr yocusutor cusmertos mers well, well,delivering delivering a qua ality qua sollityutio soln,u tioandn, liste andn listeing ntoin feeg todbac feedback are kthe are k eythes keys 108108 108108

AppEAppEAppEAppExxchchaange:nge:xxchchaa nge:nge:The FThe F The FThe Faasteststestaasteststest PPaath to MVth to MV PPaath to MVth to MVPP PP to sutocces susc cesin receivings in receiving positive pos itiverevie wrevies anwds raantingsd ratings for your for yoursolution solution. . Even Evenas your as yourcusto cmustoer bamerse bagrowse grows ands yoanud a yoreu ab arele toab lein troto dinutroced otheuce r other lead-generlead-generationa progrtion programs intoams yourinto yourmark maetinrkgeti mnix,g wmorix,d w ofor md oofu thm owuilthl will still bsetill a nb eim aportn imaportnt paantrt ofpa rtyour of yourover aoverll straalltegy stra tegyas a Saaas aS SaabusiS nbesusis. ness. This isThis just is a jsu istm aports imaportnt ina yont uinr yoscauler s phcaalese ph asa seit is a sin it your is in yourearly ecaustorly cmustoer mer creatiocrena datioysn .days. The LeanThe Lean AppExchange AppExchange PuttingPu ttingSean SeJacano bJacsohobnsoh’s theoryn’s theory of me ofa smeurinasgu prodring uprodct/mauct/rkmaet fitrk etint fito into practicepra cticewith wtheith AppE the AppExchangexcha anges your as yourvehic vehile, wcele ca, wne clearly can clearly map maout p out four phfouar phses ianse the proces in the process: ss: 1. Finding customers to buy your solution1. Finding customers to buy your solution 2. Improving product with early customers (iterate quickly)2. Improving product with early customers (iterate quickly) 3. AppExchange launch and ongoing marketing3. AppExchange launch and ongoing marketing 4. Scaling the business4. Scaling the business Tom CToamnn Conan, nVPon of, VP IS Vof En ISabV Enlemabentlem aentt Sa leats Sforcaleesforc, noticee, noticed thadt thesthate these four phfouarse phs alineses upline w upell wwithell wtheith theLea n LSetaanrtu Sptartu methop mdethoologydology espou espoused sed by Eribcy Ries Eric a Riesnd origin and originally daevelopelly developed by Sdteve by S Blteveank Bl: ank: 1. Customer discovery1. Customer discovery 2. Customer validation2. Customer validation 3. Customer creation3. Customer creation 4. Company creation4. Company creation stagesstages of prod of uprodct developuct developmentm aenndt c aunstod cmustoer dmiscoverer discovery. So yyou. So ma youy bmae y be in thein le thearning learning stage s,t yoague ,ca yonu re caanch re machore m prospeore prospects ancdts get and m getore m eorearly early adoptersadopters, right, ?right? 109109 109109

AppExchange - Page 9

Chapter 9 the public AppExchange includes a rigorous security review and a lot of attention paid to effectively marketing your solution. Successfully tackling the security review is only possible once you’ve reached your MVP and have invested accordingly in hardening your app and internal processes. So what do you do in the early stages of achieving MVP? The answer is to use a private AppExchange listing. A private listing themselves to higher execution limits, scaling, and managing a large customer base. A private listing does not require a security review, since it is not avail - able via the public AppExchange. Private listings can be shared with tar - get customers via URL to allow you to control who can install your app. In this way, you can work with your early customers to ensure success and thereby elicit good initial reviews and ratings for your app, which will complete your customer validation phase. Once you’re satisfied that you have achieved MVP for your AppExchange app, you’re ready to take on the last set of tasks to get listed on the public AppExchange. With your MVP validated, you’re ready to start planning for the launch of your public AppExchange app. This includes the security review, but it also requires planning and coordination with marketing, sales, and support. What does demand generation and lead generation look like when you’re available on the public AppExchange? Think about how the AppExchange will augment and improve your overall marketing strategy as a channel. How will you leverage some of the unique aspects of the ecosystem, like Salesforce MVPs and user groups in your launch strategy? The more thought you put into understanding the AppExchange ecosystem and the Salesforce user as a key persona for your app, the more targeted your messaging and app will be. These are critical success factors for the success of your app — and ultimately your company — within the AppExchange ecosystem. 110110

AppExchange - Page 10