Grow Revenue Faster with Messaging Chapter 6 Alignment, Playbooks, and Onboarding It should be the job of product management or product marketing to create and maintain this content. As a former product manager, it’s a great best practice project that builds both passion and confidence within your team. I recommend creating a video product playbook. Give your product personality by broadcasting your face. When you can avoid it, don’t hide behind slides. You can use slides to augment your ideas, but your sellers want to see your face. Your product video should: 1. Tell your personal story. 2. Explain why you’re passionate about the product. 3. Talk about the product history a bit. Share a story that makes your product human and helps your sellers connect with the history. 4. Include a 60-second elevator pitch. 5. Illuminate buyer challenges. 6. Share your favorite customer story. 7. Share unique differentiators. 8. Discuss how you qualify customers. 9. Discuss your top discovery questions. Investing in these kinds of assets will scale a company. It’s impossible for every PM to listen to every customer call or attend every training session. It’s the job of the first-line sales managers and sales leadership to do the coaching in their team meetings and one-on-ones, and go through the materials with their accounts and deals. Let’s rethink our assumptions on playbooks. They are not intended to be static decks and documents that don’t add value. They should be tools that are used to build confidence and competence, versus checking a product or feature release box. Competitive Playbooks and Battle Cards Another kind of playbook that’s important to address is what we call competitive battle cards. Who doesn’t want to crush the competition on every deal, every time? Who doesn’t want to see win rates skyrocket, rather than eat away at quota attainment and market share? Who doesn’t want every rep to confidently overcome competitive objections and plant competitive traps? Who doesn’t want to compete to win? Do what most do and create slick one page PDF/PPT competitive tear sheets and wonder why competitive win rates don’t improve. What

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