Grow Revenue Faster with Messaging Chapter 6 Alignment, Playbooks, and Onboarding pitches, to share their experience using video storytelling to certify and get on message. The words shared on the next page highlight how hungry sales teams are for this kind of learning and best practice sharing. The words are verbatim, and my personal favorite happens to be, “Fan-Freakin’-Tastic!” Exercise: Describe in three words your experience recording and watching pitch videos to share best practices. “Enlightening. Informative. Educational.” “Collaborative. Valuable. Impactful.” “Collaborative. Team learning. Action.” “Innovative. Collaborative. Creative.” “Exciting. Educational. Curiosity.” “Educational. Insightful. Fun.” “Interesting. Educational. Motivating.” “Amazing. Informative. Game changer.” “Insightful. Educational. Collaborative.” “Fan-Freakin’-Tastic!” Product Playbooks With teams aligned on message, which is always a great place to start, the next step is to build playbooks. What goes into a winning product playbook is pretty standard in the world of product marketing and sales enablement. We expect the following to be answered: who to sell to, how to sell, what to sell, what to say, and when to say it. Here is a list of items you can use as a guide to get started: 1. Industry Trends 2. Elevator Pitch 3. Buyer Profiles 4. Customer Stories 5. Industry Use Cases 6. Discovery Questions 7. Value Calculators 8. Sales Process 9. Objections 10. Frequently Asked Questions 11. Competition 12. Walk-Through of Product Features 13. Day-in-the-Life Demonstrations

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