Force Multipliers Force Multipliers Force Multipliers Force Multipliers aanndd Man Manaanndd Man Manaaging ging aaging ging GGrorowwGGttrorohh wwtthh How, then, can you create a clearly defined process if the criteria that How, then, can you create a clearly defined process if the criteria that definesdefines the pro thec espros kceepess sk eepchasngin chagngin? Oneg? aOpprone aacpproh isac toh bisring to b togethering together r the heatheds hea ofds your of yourdiffere different bunsti nbesussi nliesness li(nmaesr k(maeting,rketing, sales ,s aprolesd, uproct, duct, service, and so on) and examine the buying process from the eyes of service, and so on) and examine the buying process from the eyes of your customer. Use all the research you’ve done in building, marketing, your customer. Use all the research you’ve done in building, marketing, sellingselling, and, saervicingnd servicing the pro thedu proct duto ctwhite to whiteboardb otheard step the sstep yous believyou believe e a custoa cmustoer mneeerds nee tods t atoke . taFinked. Finthed thethem thees mine yos iunr yobuuyingr bu yingproc espros cess and make those the buying milestones by which you manage your and make those the buying milestones by which you manage your teamstea —ms thi —s s thihosu sldho allu lbed acllo beme pcomart ofe pa yort ofur s yoalesur s proalesc esspro.cess. In theIn the next section, we’ll dig into a common next section, we’ll dig into a common sales sproalesc espros frcesams efrwamorek work you cyouan u csaen a us sae st aas rtinga sta rtingpoint point with wyoithur yoteamur te anamd ad anjdust ad toju fitst toyour fit yourbuy bu-y - ers. Theers .nu Themb nuermbs represeers represent then ts ttheages st aandges s andteps s inteps the in s ellithen sgelli proceng process, ss, and theand foretheca forest ccaategoryst category is as sius masesdu mproedbab proilitybab ofility clo ofsure clo stoure ma tok e make forecforecasting eastiasng eier.asier. TechnologyTechnology ImplemeImplementingn ating sales a saprolesc esspro getcesss getus ps aurts ofpa rtthe of wa they towa oury to gro ourw groth wth targetstargets, but n, buot tto n otthe to gr theand gr fiandnale fi —na alefter — a afterll, ther all,e ther’s onely’s soon muly soch mu wech ca wen can automautomate toa te toincre iansecre ourase rep ours’ repprosd’ uproctivitducy.tivity. At SaAlet sSforalecesfor, a c2e01, a5 2 c01usto5 cmustoer surveymer survey show shoed wtheadt thouart coustour cmustoers mers see, onse ea,ver ona agvere, aa g33%e, a 33%incre iasncree inas revenuee in revenue when w usheingn us oingur te ocuhr nteologchny ology to manto ageman cageusto cmustoer relmerationships relationships. Taki. Taking a conservative approach, let’s ng a conservative approach, let’s 5151 5151

Force Multipliers and Managing Growth - Page 5 Force Multipliers and Managing Growth Page 4 Page 6