ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 44 44 subtractsubtract thos etho frosme frobilling,m billing, we get we ogetur breoura kbreeveankeve ananlysi anas. lysiAnds. Asindnce since SaaS Saais aS sisub as cription-subscription-basedbas servied cseervi, revence, revenue isu ree cisog rencizeogdn izeas dth ae s the product is deliveredproduct is delivered. . The cThehart c belowhart below shows sho howsw, hoin thiw, isn sc thiens arisceon, itari woo, uitl wd otaukled ata littleke a undlittlee undr er 11 m11 onthms onthfor thes for sa theles sareple s torep bre toa bk evereakn and even and then b theecon bmecoe profitme TurningTurning a sales a sales rep profitablrep profitable, howevee, however, needsr, needs to be to an be objective an objective that’sthat separate’s separate from from cash cashflow . floAndw. Andby implementing by implementing a certain a certain sales sales practicpractice, youe, canyou macank ema thatke possiblthat possible. It’se simple — bill. It’s simple — bill annuall annually. When y. When you doyou this, do youthis, bringyou bring operating operating cash cashflow flowto the to company the company up front, up front, as as opposedopposed to over to overthe course the course of 12 of months 12 months with withmonthly monthly billing. billing. This isThisn’t isn’t consistentlyconsistently practiced, practiced, which which is why is whycash cashflow flowtakes ta ak majores a major hit when hit when new salesnew sales reps enterreps enter the pictur the picture. Whene. When put in put practic in practice, howevee, however, annual r, annual billingbilling softens softens the increased the increased burn burn associated associated with withbringing bringing a new a sales new sales rep on board.rep on board. ProcessProcess We lookWe looktow atowrd forardc efor mcultiplierse multipliers to fin tod finotherd other ways ways to increas to increase e our growthour growth since s inhiringce hiring aggressively aggressively isn’t isalwaysn’t always the b theest bapproaest approach. ch. Can Cawen imwprovee improve our sourale ss aleprocess process enoughs enough to reach to reach our toaurgetr tasrget? s? AccorAcdicnorg dtoin gH BtoS H, BcSomp, companiesan wiesith wa ithcle aa rlycle definearly defined salesd sales proces process s havehave 18% 18%higher higher reve nurevee growthnue growth over overcom paniescompanies that dothatn’t. do Clen’t.a rlCley arly defineddefined sales s aproceles processes ssalloesw a lloteawm teas tom smore to more effe ceffetivelyctively develo develop p a gaam ega plamen plato nmove to move deals d ealsforw ardforw. ardYet . moYets tmo smallst small bus inebussseines sses are dareoin gd oithisng thisbac kwbacard kw—ard they’re— they’re disc overingdiscovering or evolving or evolving thei r their proceprossecse sasends amnadppi mnappig theng wtheay wtheyay theysell basedsell based on the on waythe waythe the markmaret wkaetn wts aton tbus toy. buy. 5050 5050

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