DDriving Criving CDDriving Criving Cuustomer Engstomer Enguustomer Engstomer Engaagemengemenaagemengementt tt Secret #4: Focus on Their Problems, Secret #4: Focus on Their Problems, Not NotYour Solutions Your Solutions SalesS aisles a isstr ana strgean profesge profession. sOnion . oneOn onehan d,h athend, rolethe roleof a ofsa lea s sales profeprofessionsasionl is athl isat thofa ta ofguide a guide or trorusted tru stedadvisor ad:visor to : altrtou istialtrcauistilly cally helpcuhelpcustomserstom improveers improve their theirlives livesand groandw gro theirw theirbusines business by esxposi by exposing ng themthe tom ne tow netoolsw tools, servi, cservies, ancesd, coanndcepts concepts. On .the On otherthe other hand h, anin dth, e in the pursuitpur ofsuit these of these lofty loftygoa lsgo, saalsle, s saprofeles professionassiols naarels inarecentivize incentivized by d by lucrativelucrative com pencomsatiopennsatio plann s,pl theans, ma thegnitu magnitude ofd we hichof w hichare r aarelyre r asrelyeen seen beyobneyod thend C the-su itCe-s. uForite .n Forew nsaewles srepsales , repsespe, ceisapelly,c ithisally , dthisichoto dicmhotoy camn y can create intercreate internal conflinal conflict whenct when it com it ceso tom wesho to wse ihonterese insteret to prioritizst to prioritize. e. As a Asfor ma erfor cmustoer cmustoer ofm erthe of co them pcoanymp aatny w hiatc hw hiI lechad I lea adsale as stealeams te, am, my gomayl gohasa lb heeasn b toee ren dtou creed theuce amb the iguityambiguity of thi ofs this dilemma for our new dilemma for our new recruits. recruits. Despite my large quota and shared sense of urgency, I am very Despite my large quota and shared sense of urgency, I am very clear on this topic. clear on this topic. “Guess what?” I typically begin when broaching the discussion with “Guess what?” I typically begin when broaching the discussion with my team. “Your customers don’t care about our solutions, our sales pro - my team. “Your customers don’t care about our solutions, our sales pro - cess, or whether or not you make your quota. They really only care about cess, or whether or not you make your quota. They really only care about one thing: growing their business.” one thing: growing their business.” A keen focus on your customers’ problems has many benefits, A keen focus on your customers’ problems has many benefits, including creating that critical initial interest and affinity. As we discussed including creating that critical initial interest and affinity. As we discussed earlier, transitioning to more customer- or buyer-centric messages can earlier, transitioning to more customer- or buyer-centric messages can have a meaningful impact on both your bottom line and your brand. have a meaningful impact on both your bottom line and your brand. So what’s the secret to crafting customer-centric messaging that’s So what’s the secret to crafting custom er-centric messaging that’s co compelling enough to capture your audience’s attention? Here are three mpelling enough to capture your audience’s attention? Here are three tactics guaranteed to get your customers to notice. tactics guaranteed to get your customers to notice. Pick an Enemy Pick an Enemy Make your message polarizing and easy to get behind by focusing Make your message polarizing and easy to get behind by focusing it on a single problem that is already well understood by your target it on a single problem that is already well understood by your target audience. For example, our last business, Rypple, was a feedback, audience. For example, our last business, Rypple, was a feedback, coaching, and recognition solution designed to help people get ahead at coaching, and recognition solution designed to help people get ahead at work. As it turned out, people, especially Millennials, love feedback but work. As it turned out, people, especially Millennials, love feedback but universally hate the old, antiquated annual performance review process. universally hate the old, antiquated annual performance review process. As a result, performance reviews became our enemy, and we generated As a result, performance reviews became our enemy, and we generated 6565 6565
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