ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 55 55 a greata great deal ofde high-profileal of high-profile press pre thasst helpethat helped ourd t aorgetur ta argetudie ancudeie qncuickle qy uickly understaunderstand hownd how we c oulwed coulhelpd helptheir butheirsin buesssi.ness. Use the Right WordsUse the Right Words Who Whois the is target the target buyer bu foryer yo forur yoprourd uproct doru cstervi or cseervi? Dcoe ?yo Duo kyonouw k? now? SinceSin mcaeny m orgaany norgaizationnizastion feels theirfeel theirservice services haves haa vebro aad berro adauderie audnce ience base basethan thatheyn theyactually actually do, it d’so ofte, it’sn ofte a helpfn a helpful exerul ceisxeer tocis use toe daustea dato ta to understaunderstand thend k theey d keeym ographidemographics of csyour of yourtarget ta burgetye bur. Inye otherr. In other words wor, ds, ask yoaskur syoelfu: rWselfha: tW typehat typeof per ofs opern iss oacn tiuas acllyt uabullyyi nbug yiounrg s ooluurtio solnu? tioWhn?a t What type of persontype of person is res ipos rensspoiblens forible the for ma thejority majority of ou ofr reve ournu revee?nue? But theBut e thexerc eisexer dcoesise nd’oest endn’t therende ther. Once.e Onc youe zero you izeron on i nyo ounr yotargetur tasrget, s, engaengge theagem the anmd listeandn liste to then to s pethec ifispec wcifiordc ws ordtheys theyuse to us dee toscri dbeescri theiber their probleprombs and the v lems and thealue v atheylue theyget fromget fromyour yosolutiour solution. Then.n The usen thouses e those specificspe worcificd wors in yods uinr yo salesur sa and mles and marketiarnkgeti effortng efforts. s. In a 20In0 a2 20 stu0d2 yst, Dutudyc, hDut recseha rerchersearcher Rick VRiacnk B Vaaanre Bna aforeundn fo thundat inth aotn ine one restaurarestaurant, servernt, servers weres w aberele abto leinc tore iasncere theirase theirtips btipy s70 b%y 70sim%ply sim bplyy by repeatingrepeating their theircustomer customers’ verbs’ averblizatioaliznsatio bacnsk bacto kthe tom the exacm tleyxac. Wtlhily. e While this mirrorithis mirroring, orn gm, iorm imcking,imic king,tech nteiqcuhen iqmuaey mseeaym s eesillym atsilly fir satt, usfirsint,g us thine g the samesame words wor asds ou ars t oargetur ta burgetyer bus proyersm prootems otemores m raorepid r aapissdim ailsastioimilna otiof n of our meourss meage ssaandge eanndga egengmaegentm weithnt w ouithr b orandur b.rand. Teach Them SomethingTeach Them Something Helpful,Helpful, insightful insightful mess mageesss aarege sgre area tgre fora engt fora engginga giyonugr yotargetur ta argetudi aud- i - ence forence for three three reaso reans:sons: They Theyinvok invoe theke po thewer po ofw reerc ofipro recciproity. Wcithey. nW yoheun te yoacuh te soacmheo sonmeeo sonmee som- e - thing and ad thing andd vadalued v toalue their to theirexperie experience wncithe wyoithu, yoyouu, eyoncuo euncrageou ragethem them to respond in kind. to respond in kind. They Theybuild build value v inalue your in yourbrand. br and.They Theysubs tsubsantiatante tiyoateur yoorguanr orgizaantioizna’s tion’s position as a leader in the field, making you a go-to resource for your position as a leader in the field, making you a go-to resource for your targetta argetudien aucdiene. Theyce. Theyalso waloson ’wt boen ’sto b qe usioc kq touic dkelete to delete new nmeewssa mgeessas ges from you! from you! They Theycan help can helpuncover uncover hidde hidden painn ppoiainn tpois. Inn tms. anIn ym casanesy cas, yoesur, yoauduri aud-i - ence may not realize how problematic their current state is. Showing ence may not realize how problematic their current state is. Showing themthe whmat w theha futuret the future could co lookuld lilookke ma likye cmareayte cre theate awa there awanessre yoneuss n yoeeud n. eed. 6666 6666

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