DDriving Criving CDDriving Criving Cuustomer Engstomer Enguustomer Engstomer Engaagemengemenaagemengementt tt Interest:Interest: where w herethe initithea initil interestal interest arou nadro ua nparticuld a particular problear problem anmd and solutiosolnu is genertion is generated.ated. Solution:Solution: where w hereinfor mainfortionma ationnd co anndt ecoxtn atroextu nadro hounwd hoa givew an give solution solution n can acaddnre asdds theres s theprob leprom bisle providem is provided. d. Negotiation:Negotiation: where w herethe t wtheo ptwartieso pa drtieseter dmeterinem theine ter them ster unmdser u nwdhicer h which the preferrethe preferred solutiond solution will b will e deliverebe delivered. d. Each Edoorach doorhas ah aksey a ckorreey csorrepondspoingnd toing the to ttheacti c,ta ctiskillc,, skillor tr, aorini trnag ining requirerequired to opend to open it. The it .pro Theb lepromb occlemu rsocc wuhersn w thehen w therong w rongtactic t acis trietic isd trieto d to open theopen the right drightoor d. oor. For eForxam eplxame, splupposee, suppose a sa leas persosalesperson is tryin isn gtryi ton gope ton ope then ctheusto cmustom- - er’s inerterest’s interest door doorarou ndarou a ndma ark maetingrketing auto maautotionma solutiotion solution. In nthe. In firthest first instaninscet,a thence ,s thealesperso salesperson sayns tosa ythes to c theusto cmusetor, m“Weer, h“Wavee haanve ama an zingama, zing, n save time, increase web-wbaeseb-dba masedrk maetingrketing auto maautotioman protiondu proct duthactt cathat can save time, increase your lead flow, and integrates into the system you already have. Do you your lead flow, and integrates into the system you already have. Do you have haa mave rak maetingrketing auto amautotioman stiooluntio solnu in pltiona in plce toadace yto?”day?” In a second instance, the salesperson says, “We’ve worked with In a second instance, the salesperson says, “We’ve worked with hundredshundreds of organizations of organizations like yourslike yours and andhave have found found the ktheey to key to engaging customers in an increasingly competitive market is creating engaging customers in an increasingly competitive market is creating an intimatan intimate, 1:1e ,relationship 1:1 relationship with withthem. them. Would W ouldyou liyouke tolik elearn to learn how how others have done that?”others have done that?” The Thefirst firstis a issolutio a solution pitchn pitch. The. Theseco ndsec oisnd a isbon a ab onfidae fiinterestde interest- - genergeneration tation tactic.actic. The right key is always more effective at opening the right door. While The right key is always more effective at opening the right door. While we hopewe hope our sa oleurs peoplesalespeople use the use tr theaining training and t andactic tsa wctiec provis we provide tod thee tom them in the most effective way, unfortunately, they often don’t. in the most effective way, unfortunately, they often don’t. 5555 5555

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