Chapter 5Chapter 5 Driving Customer EngagementDriving Customer Engagement By DaBy Dvid Priemeavid Priemer r DaviDad startevid started hisd c hiareers ca reerin sa ilesn s alelesad leershipadership at C aatn adCainaadn ian startupstartup Rypple Rypple, which, which was wacaqsu airedcqu iredby S ablesfory Salesforce inc 2011e in 2011. . He wHeent w onent to on b ecometo become Vice Vice President President of Sale of sSale at sSale at sSales - - forceforce, as , wellas wellas holdingas holding the thetitle titleof S ofales S aLelesa derLeasderhip ship EvanEvgelistangelist at Sale at sSaleforcesforce. Dda hviads hwritteas written exten extensivelnsively y for thefor Sthealesforce Salesforce blog blog and ahinds perspe his perspectivec tiveon c oonnne cocntineng cting withw prospectith prospects ands ancudsto cumstoersm aersnd adndriving driving eng aegemengagement is nt is espeespeciallyc irelevant for enterprise Sally relevant for enterprise SaaS staaaS In 2013In ,2013 a survey, a survey of 80 0of B 802B0 m B2aBrk metianrgketi tenamsg te reveamsa reveled thaleadt diffithatcu diffilty cuin lty in genergeatingnera high-qualityting high-quality leads le waadss the wa sn theumber number one b onearrier ba torrier their to theirsucces suscc. ess. It’s noIt s’su nrpriso suerpris. Cusetomer. Customers nows havenow haveunprece unprecedenteddente choidc cehoi ancde acc andess acc to ess to informinforationmation when when it com ite cos tom esolutions to solution purc hpausesrch, ansesot to, n otm eton tionmen ction c onstanont stant turnover ofturnover of inter ninteral dinsal tradcitiostrancs tioannds conflicti and conflicting prioritieng priorities. s. To comTo bcomat thebats ethe grosew groingw cihalleng cnhalleges ninges the in hopethe hopes of attrs ofac attrtinacg atinnd g and convertingconverting more m cusoreto cusmertos,m saerles,s saandles maandr kmaetinrkgeti funngc tiofunncstio arnms atheirmr their peoplepeople with withan impres an impressive asrriveay a ofrra trya ofin itrnagi naindng eanabnd elenabmentlem reentso urercseosu. rces. Cold-Cold-callincgalli tencgh nteiquechns,ique saless, salesmetho mdethoologiedologies, sols,u tiosolnu tiodenm ods,e manos,d and negotiationegotiation tacnti cstac atirecs a allre tool alls tool thes mo thed ermon-ddaeryn -sadaleys samacles himacne hiusnees usto es to engage its engage its audieauncedie annced u asher thend usher them throm uthrogh theugh b theuyin bguyi cyclnge c. ycle. WhenWhe usend uproperlsed properly, they effective, the effectiveness ofnes thes ofse the toolses tool is oksa isy ,ok notay gre, notat gre. at. WhileW theirhile theirunderlyi underlying funngd amfunednamtales natreal sos auren sod, theirund, theirreal-w real-orldw effeorldc tiveffeectiv-e - ness ness can often fcan often fall flaat llfor fla ttw foro k teywo re kaeyson resa.sons. 1. They’re used incorrectl1. They’re used incorrectly. y. ConsConider saider sim aplifie simplified modd elm oofd ela typiof ac typial salecals scaleycles c repreycle representedse nateds a as a seriesserie of losc of loked dckoored ds, loorabs,ele labd asele thed as follo the wfolloingw: ing: 5454 5454

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