CRM Benefits for Startups

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 CRM Benefits for Startups By Greg Poirier Greg is a seasoned “startup guy,” having been an early- stage employee at numerous startups, as well as serving as COO in his last startup position. He came to Salesforce through the acquisition of Radian6, and he assumed the responsibilities for leading and implementing Marketing Cloud’s overall strategic online activities. Greg is a respected advisor to the startup community and now devotes his time to helping startups accelerate success through proven sales and marketing programs at his consultancy, CloudKettle. The following chapter is his follow-up to why startups need CRM (customer relationship management), which appeared in volume one of “The SaaS Startup Founder’s Guide.” This time around, Greg takes the next step and enumerates the key benefits that startups can see by using CRM effectively. He then goes on to suggest productivity apps from AppExchange that can be used by startups on Salesforce to tailor their CRM solution to the needs of a high-growth startup. You’re a small organization, you know your customers already, and you really don’t have that many to keep track of. A simple, shared spread - sheet can probably do the trick. Do you really need to be wasting money and headspace on a customer relationship management (CRM) solution? It may be tempting to set the idea of purchasing a CRM solution aside, especially if you’re a startup. After all, CRM solutions consume precious licensing costs and configuration resources. At a minimum, they require fees, but on top of that, they demand the most precious startup resource of all — founder attention during planning and implementation. 7171

CRM Benefits for Startups - Page 2

ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 66 66 DespiteDespite the upfrontthe upfront time tiamnde afindna nficnaial nccomial mcomitmmenittsm, eanllts ,s tartall usptarts ups shoushold mualdke m inavekes itinnvegs intin CgRM in ,C andRM , iandnves itinnvegs itinn ogn ien earloney ,earl a topy, a priorit top priority. y. This chapterThis chapter will s whowill s howyou w yohu wy. hy. Five Challenges Every Startup FacesFive Challenges Every Startup Faces In overIn overa dec aa dedec ofade worki of working bothng baotht and at wandith wfasitht-gro fast-growingw sitnagrt usptasrt, ups, there are fivethere are five com mcomon cmhoan cllenhgealles neveryges every start supta fartuceps fa: ces: 1. Fast hiring and expansion means that siloed data isn’t 1. Fast hiring and expansion means that siloed data isn’t accessible by new employees.accessible by new employees. 2. Investors expect data, and founders have none.2. Investors expect data, and founders have none. 3. There’s no insight into the effectiveness of the sales team or, in 3. There’s no insight into the effectiveness of the sales team or, in some cases, salesperson.some cases, salesperson. 4. Lack of data means no ability to make educated decisions.4. Lack of data means no ability to make educated decisions. 5. Sophisticated sales and marketing hires expect a CRM, and 5. Sophisticated sales and marketing hires expect a CRM, and startups don’t have one.startups don’t have one. The goodThe good news n iews, a sCRM is, a can CRMhelp can helpyou over you coverome thecome these obsset acoblesstac. les. The Founder Silo DilemmaThe Founder Silo Dilemma In theIn btheegi nbningegin,ning while, while found foerunds areers s areellin sgelli thengms theelvemsselve, theirs, theircom com- - pany,pan andy, theirand theirprodu product, theyct, theyare a alsore raalsopid rlyapi ledalyrn leinagr nabinogu abt wohuat tw thhe at the markmaret neeketd nees. Thisds. iThiss gre ias t,gre beact,a usbeec aitus helpe it shelp avoisd a thevoid pitf thea llpitf of aall s ofta rtua sp tartup creatingcrea a perfeting a perfect procduct prot ducthatt n tho oat nneo o actnuae allyct uawanllyt ws.ants. A challengiA challenging bnyprog bducyprot ducof understandi t of understnandg theing mather kmaetplrkaetplce: aThcee : The immenseimmense amou antm oofu infornt of mainfortionma otionn ea orly-n eadarly-optingadopting clien tcslie anndts the and ma therk maet, rket, in general,in general, is tra ppeis tradppe in fod undin foerunds’ heerads.s’ he Thiads.s bThiecso bmeecso promesb lepromableticma as tic as a starta usptart begiup nbegis ton gsa toin gtraacintio trnac antiodn hire and q hireuickl qyu, iscinklcy,e s einacrlye eeamrlyployee employees s have no have no way ofwa ay ofcce assicncegs thesingse the inssighte inssight. s. UsingUsi a nCgRM a CliRMke Saliklesfore Salesforce eacrlye eonarly help on shelp preves prevent thisnt prothisb lepromb. lem. FounFoudersn adersnd employeesand employees auto maautoticamallyti caloglly e logma ilesma andils dandocum doecumnts, elinkte s, like objectioobjection-hanndli-hanngdli sheetng ssheet ands coanndtr coactns,tr athctas,t athrea te aasreily e asseilyarc sheabarcleh abby le by any employeany employee. e. BuildingBuilding a digit a adigitl, easilyal, easily sear csheeadrc knohedw knoledgewle basdgee basas eyo asur yostaurtr usp tartup beginsbegins to sc atole s ecnabale elesnab nelesw nehirews hireto quis toc klyqui sceekly every see every ema ile maandil caandll call that tookthat tookplace pl withace witha custo a cmustoer —m eveer —n eve connversations th conversationsat hthaappet hanppeed inn ed in 7272 7272

CRM Benefits for Startups - Page 3

CRM CRM CRM CRM BBenefits for enefits for BBenefits for enefits for SSttaartuprtupSSttaassrtuprtupss the ethearly edaarlyys daof ythes of org thea nizorgaationniza. tionEmployees. Employees don’ tdo hanve’t htoave w atoit wfora ita for a busy bufousyn dfoeru ntod revieer to wrevie eachw eaacchcou ancct ouin adnt vinan adcev anof cea rene of a warenel, orwa dli,s orcus ds iscuss a coma petitorcompetitor’s offering’s offerings. s. In shortIn s, hortevery, every new hirenew gets hire ongetsbo onardeboda rdefasted rf,a wsteithr, wimmith eimmdiateed aicceate sas ccess to everythingto everything the c theom pcaonymp haasny a hlreasad alrey leadaryn nThied.s enThiabs enlesab scaleslab scale, lable, repeatrepeatable rabamlepi Keeping Investors HappyKeeping Investors Happy An oftenAn often overloo overlooked rekedaso ren atoso hna tove haa CveRM a CisRM to helpis to helpimpre imsspre invesss inves- - tors atorsnd kaeepnd ktheeepm the hampp hy.a Inppvestory. Investors whos whospec isapelizeci ainlize cert ina certin staainge sts aogef s of the sttheart uspta lifecyrtup lifecycle arecle parti are cpartiularlycul focarlyu sefocd uonse dsa onles sapipelinles pipeline. Nowe. Nowthat that you hyoaveu haa prove ad uproct dinu cmat inrk maet, rtheyket, theywant wa to ntkno tow kno howw homuwch mu pipelich pipeline is ne is forecforeastecda forste dthe for m theonth month, quarter, next fiscal year, a , quarter, next fiscal year, and son odn s.o on. For mForost m stostartups startups, com, pcoanmyp daantya dacanta bcean a goben aizigongn iziinforng mainfortioman tioto n to producproed. Iuct siem. Itply sim isplyn’t trisnac’tk etrd,ac akend,d wanhda tw ish apret iss entepresdente in pitd icnh pit decchk sd, ecks, and landater lianter qu ianrterly quarterly review reviews, is as, hilis aariou hilasriouly hocslyk ey-hocskticey-kedstic revenked revenue ue projectioprojection thant cthanat’t cbaen ’vt ablieda vtedalida. Theteds. eThe perfectse perfect charts ch aalsrtso faalilso to fa tila ktoe take into acintocou acncout slonwt slosalesw sperioales periods likdse su likmme suermm vaerca tionvacastion ands Daneced Dmbeceer mber holidholiays danayd, s on topand, on top of it, aof itre p, aarein stpaakiinnstglyaki dnifficultgly difficult to upd toa updte. ate. AlternAlternativelaytivel, an ya, cacnur aactecur pipelineate pipeline report report with wanith im anpre imssivepre sfsiveunne funl nel imageima cagen b cae nrun be i nrun Sa lesforcein Salesforce in ju sitn seconjust seconds. Sod squickl. So quickly, in fya, ctin, thfactat , that I’ve seenI’ve seenpitch pitch deck sd wechereks w thehere fore theca forestedca pipelinested pipeline slide sisli tidme iests timamestamped: ped: Pipeline Projection as of 8:10 a.m. Pipeline Projection as of 8:10 a.m. — th— at sthamat se mamorninge morning. . AsideAsi frodme frothem ti theme- tisamvie-nsagsvi adngvsan adtavgane,t hagavie,n hga via nCRMg a CRMdem odnsemtroanstes trates to inveto sitorsnve sthtorsat yothau’t reyo thinkiu’re thinking intong theinto future the future and handave hreaveal mreetrial mcsetri, cs, not junstot a j urepest a arepetinga fortingm ulforam inul aan iEnx aceln E sprexcela spredsheet.adsheet. It wo Int ’wt woonw’t weverowy every investoinvestor, butr , bit cutert it acinertly adoeinlys idoempress imspres somse s.ome. What Is Sales Doing?What Is Sales Doing? StartuSpstart ofteupsn ofte haven htroaveub trole ubdisleting disutingishinugishi bnetgw beenetw bad,een bad,good, goo and,d and greatgre saleats peoplsalespeople. Salee.s Sa cylecsle cys mcleights m bighte a byee aar yelonagr ,lo espeng, cespeiallyc forially a for a nascentnas procentd uproct, dsouc theyt, so theycan’t cmane’ast mure easaure ctuaal ctusucacesl susc icesn dsoll ina drsoll waorns .won. In theIn m theonth msonth befores before sales persalessoperns scaonns b cae enx bpectede expected to hit to qu hitot a,qu otheota, r other factorsfac htorsave htoave b eto co bnesidere considered: Howd: Howmany ma canylls canallsd deanmd osdemos are they are they 7373 7373

ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 66 66 bookinbooking? Hogw? Homawny m propoany proposals asreal sbei aren gbei senngt? s Hoent?w Homucw hmuc pipelineh pipeline are are they bthey buildinugildin? g? It’s havingIt’s having this infor this mainfortioman atiovailn abavaille abat lethe a tto theuch to ofuch a buof ttoa bun thttoant cathn at can allowallow early-st early-stage satagertup sta lertupaders lead toers re ctoog rencizeog nnotize o nnotly wonholy wtheirho theirheroe heroes s are goingare going to be to, bu bet ,a bulsot toals mo atok em inaforke mineford manded qanduic kq dueicckis dionecsis abionous abt out employeeemployees who ares who are not goi not going ton mag toke ma the kecu the t. cut. Data-Driven DecisionsData-Driven Decisions In theIn athebse nacebse nofce reve of nreveue, nfuaset-gro, fast-growingw stingart ustpasrt unpees dn eereal-tid real-time me accessaccess to infor to minforationmation abou abt soaleuts sperforales performancmance in ore diner or tod erma tok ema buksei bus-i - ness nesdecisios decisions. An CsRM,. A C liRM,ke Sa liklees Saforlecesfor, enceh,anc enhesanc foreescas foretincasg reveting nreveue nue and caandsh cafloswh. flow. FounFoudersn cdersan e casanily e revieasily wrevie forewcas foretscas andts see and if see there if there is an iism apen inmdipeng nding crimpcri inm epxpecte in expected pipelid pipeline. Nnotie. nNgoti thisng mthisonth msonth in asd ivnanc e helps ma advance helpks e make decisiondecisions on swhe on nwhe to hiren to orhire not or hire not nhireew nemployeeew employees, pussh, pu tos chlo tose c a lose a certaincertain sale, asaldjeu,st ad prijustcing pri, caingnd ,m anadke m aaggreke assggreive ssinveives invetmesnttms ienn mats inrk maet rke-t - ing in ordering in order to in cto inreascere thease le theads le thadsat ththea sat theles sa telesam tehaam s toha ws orkto w. ork. Attracting Attracting TalentTalent The Thebest besalest s saleands amnard kmetiarnkgeti peopleng people will notwill cnotom ec owmorke w forork a for a fast-grofast-growingw softingwa softrewa as rea servi as a cservie (SaaceS) (Saa compS) canompy wanithy wnoith pla nons pla tons us toe use a CRM.a C EveryRM. Every com petecomnpetet sanlespert salesperson iss onalre isa dyalre usadying us ai nCRMg a CRMat hi sa to r his or her curreher current jobn,t ajondb, knoandws kno firwssth firandsth theand n theece ssneityce ssofity a CofRM a CforRM s aforles sales enabenalembelent.m Seimnt.ilarl Simy,ilarl they be, thest dbeigitst adligit maarlk maeterrkseter knosw k nthoawt trthaackit trnagcki theingr their perforperformancme aanncde tyianndg tyi it nbacg itk bacto sak letos sais lecrsuc isi aclr uctoi sucal toce sucss, ceandss, ita ndtak eits take s a CRM, and often a mar a CRM, and often a mketingarketing autom auatomtiona pltioantform platform, to d, o thto dao tht. at. Bottom line: You wouldn’t hire a developer and not give them a Bottom line: You wouldn’t hire a developer and not give them a laptolaptop. Thereforp. Therefore, yoeu, yoshouldu shouldn’t hiren’t hirea salesperson, a salesperson, mar kmetearrk, eteor r, or support or success team member without providing him or her with a support or success team member without providing him or her with a CRM licensCRM license. e. Great Solutions for Non-Sales UsersGreat Solutions for Non-Sales Users SalesforSalesforce isnc’et justisn’ tfor just the for le theadership leadership and sa andles sateleams.s te ams.One ofOn thee of re thea rea- - sons sonSalesforces Salesforce is suc ish suca greath a great CRM CisRM how is howmany ma nativeny n ativefeatu fereast itu rehas s it has for otherfor other busin buesssi unnesitss u annitds how and thehow ro thebus rot abusppt e acpposy escteosyms bteolmster bols sthterat s that 7474 7474

CRM Benefits for Startups - Page 5

CRM CRM CRM CRM BBenefits for enefits for BBenefits for enefits for SSttaartuprtupSSttaassrtuprtupss strengthstrength. No other. No other CRM CRMhas m horeas m thirored -pthirartyd-p saupportrty support. There. There is an isa pap n app on AppEon AppExchangexcha fornge a lformost alm everythingost everything you ca yonu think can think of, all o tof, a helpll to helpyour your teamte bamecome bec omemore m integrore integrated aatendd iann synd inc. syn Herec. Hereare m arey top my eight top eight apps apps or featuresor features for no for non-sales n-suasersles u. sers. 1. Salesforce Labs1. Salesforce Labs Salesforce Labs are free apps built by Salesforce employees for the Salesforce Labs are free apps built by Salesforce employees for the customercustomer com mcomunitmyu. Innitspiredy. Inspired by em byployee employees’ works’ work with withcustomers customers of all of all sizes asizesnd in adnudstrie indusstrie, theses, these apps appranges ra frongem frosimplem simple utilities utilities to en tireto e verticantire vertical l solutionsolutions. Salesfors. Salesforce Labces Lappabss appares freeare tofree us toe, busuet, abreu t uanrema unnagemand aged packagepacskage, mesa, meninga ningthat the that the code co is vides ible ais visible and cannd be editedcan be edited. . 2. The AppExchange Dashboard Pack2. The AppExchange Dashboard Pack https:http//apps://appexchanexcghean.saglees.forcsaleesforc.come/li.costingm/lisDtingetail?listiDetail?listin - n - PerhaPpserh theaps mtheost m famosto fuams Soaulesforces Salesforce Labs Laabpps isapp the is AppEthe AppExchangxche ange gId=a0gId=N30a00000N30000000ps3jEAA00ps3jEAA ( (bit lin.kly n lieenkd neeed) ded) ds and dozens DashDboasahrdb opaarckd .p Thiacks. freeThis pfreeack apgeac kinageclu dinecslu dadeshbos dashboar ards and dozens ales, marketing, support, and service, and even how to of reports for sales, marketing, support, and service, and even how to of reports for s measure adoption of Salesforce in your organization. measure adoption of Salesforce in your organization. It’s the first app CloudKettle installs for every new Salesforce It’s the first app CloudKettle installs for every new Salesforce deployment. It provides easy access to visual dashboards showing deployment. It provides easy access to visual dashboards showing your performance that would otherwise take hours to build if you were your performance that would otherwise take hours to build if you were to start from scratch. to start from scratch. 3. Trailhead 3. Trailhead If you’re new to Salesforce or looking to do more with the platform, If you’re new to Salesforce or looking to do more with the platform, Trailhead can help. It takes the guesswork out of where to begin and Trailhead can help. It takes the guesswork out of where to begin and where to go next to make your journey easier. where to go next to make your journey easier. Oftentimes an employee of a company will assume the administrator Oftentimes an employee of a company will assume the administrator role and be the go-to Salesforce person for an organization. However, role and be the go-to Salesforce person for an organization. However, with Trailhead, anyone in your organization can learn Salesforce. It with Trailhead, anyone in your organization can learn Salesforce. It provides a series of free Salesforce trainings and modules for everyone provides a series of free Salesforce trainings and modules for everyone from administrators, to users, to developersevelopers. . from administrators, to users, to d 4. Customer Support and Service4. Customer Support and Service RetaiRnetingai ncuingsto cumserstom isers critic is acriticl, anadl ,S aalesfornd Salesforce’s corece’s procored uproct dhelpsuct helps by by includininclug dai nngative a n afetiveature fea cturealle dc aCallesesd Ca. Ssesale.s Sforcaleesforc’s case’es cmanaase managemegent ment allowasllow organs orgizaantionizastion to atts toach att, traachck, tr, aanckd ,s aurfndac surfe cuacstoe cumserto ismsueer iss dsueirectls directly y 7575 7575

ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 66 66 on yoonur yocuustor cmustoer recormer records sods th saot everyothat everyone onn eyo ounr yoteamur te —am le ad—er lesadhiper, ship, support,support, and eve andn eve salens — sale iss — ab isle abto get le toa c get leaa cr vieleaw r vieof theirw of their custo cusmertosm. ers. CasesCases aren ’tare jusnt’t forjus cut forsto cumstoer ismsuere Usies.n gU ausintog mauatetomd ateprodc eprossecse issn es in SalesforSalesforce, Ccaeses, C acsesan acutoan maautoticamallyti cabelly c rebea tecred aandted assandig assnedig tone dcu tos cus- - tomertomer succes susc teacesms teas wmhesn w ahe nenw a cnusewto cmuserto nmeeerds n eeondsbo onardbionag,rd trinag,in itrnagi, ning, post-sale follow-upspost-sale follow-ups, and for, and reg foru lregar cuhelacr ckuhepsc.kups. 5. Agile Accelerator5. Agile Accelerator DoesDoes your yourteam team use an use agile an agile methodolog methodology? If ity ?does, If it does, it has it access has access to to an appan appthat thatwas wasbuilt builtto reflect to reflect how howSalesforce Salesforce internally internally manages manages backlogs,backlogs, sprints, sprints, user userstories, stories, defects, defects, and morande mor. Agilee. Agile Accelerator Accelerator is is a freea freeAppE AppExchangexchange app appthat thathelps helps facilitate facilitate an agilean agile project project managementmanagement framework framework collaboratively collaboratively across across your yourdevelopers developers and and the rest of your team.the rest of your team. 6. Project Management Integration6. Project Management Integration Your Ysalesour salesteam tea mmay mnotay unseot au seproje a project mactn amagenmaegentm plenatfort plm,atfor bum,t but You cYaoun i ncstana llin the AppEstall the AppExchanxchge Danasge Dhboasahrd pboaard pck herack here. e. otherother intern inaternl teamsal te, amslike ,ma likerk maetinrkgeti, probably do ng, probably. Sa dleo.s Saforlecesfor Lacbse Lfreabse free MilestoneMilestonesPM asPMpp helpapp shelp yous tryoacuk tr projeack projects, mcilets, smtoilenessto, tnasesk,s t, asblocks, kbelocd ked httpshttps://app://eaxppchaengxchea.sanglees.saforclee.sforccome./listicomn/listigDetngDetail?lisatingIil?lisd=atingI0N30000d=a0N300000016Z0016ZsfEAE sfEAE tasks,t aoversks, doverue tdasueks t, astimkse, tiandme eandxpe nexsepe budnsegets bud, getsand , aand whole a w holelot m lotore m. ore. ( link ( link needeneeded) d) It hasIt ahas simple a simple interf iacnterfe, Gacane,tt G canhartitt cnhartig, tenmg,pl teamtepls, adteets,a iledetd areportingiled reporting, , and Chandatter i Chantter itegrnategrtiona. tion. 7. Campaign Tracking for Marketing7. Campaign Tracking for Marketing SalesforSalesforce is sciem isilar sim toilar Google to Google Analyti Anacslyti in thcs aint itth haast it a h naastive a na ctiveonc epconct ept of a “ofsourc a “source” ande” a and “cam a “pcamaignp.”a Usignin.” gUs thoseing those help shelp tracsk tr yoacukr yomarurk metiarnkg eting successucsecs esanseds failanudres fail, wureshic, wh ahirech eqareually eq as uallyim as portimanportt. ant. WhereWhere your yourleads le coadsm eco fromme fromis im portais important, buntt , thibust gethinser geateners aa tebisa as bias towardtoward favoring favoring first-to firucst-toh aucttrih buattritiobun. tioTodn.a yT’ods bayuyer’s b uyerjour njoeyu rcanney bcane be CheckCheck it out it outher e.her (bite. .ly(bit li.nlyk link incrediblyincredibly sophistic sophisticated anatedd lo anndg ,lo mengan, meingan yoinugr yoorguar nizorgaationizna mtioightn m touightch touch needneeed)ded) a potea npotetial customer d ntial customozeer ndsoze of ntism ofe sti acmroesss ac marossny ma menyd imumsed ioverums moveron thmso.nths. SalesforSalesforce allocews allo mawsrk maetinrkgeti teangms tea toms tr actok tr caacmpk caaigmpn aperformign performance, ance, recordingrecording details details like st liakrte stdateart s,d ateends, daendte s,da andtes, c andost. cIfo camst. Ifp camaignp traignack track- - ing isi nbgeing is b eingused uproperlsed properly, everyy, every mark maetinrkgeti emangil e, maformil, forsubmm submission,is sioand n, and trade shotrade show interaw incterationc wtionill be w illre becor redecd oridn Saed lein Sasforlece forsforc e foryou. you. 7676 7676

CRM CRM CRM CRM BBenefits for enefits for BBenefits for enefits for SSttaartuprtupSSttaassrtuprtupss That Thatallows allows mar kmaretingketing and leadershipand leadership to see to reportssee reports showing showing the the salessales pipelin pipeline, sales,e, sales, and andexact e xactROI fromROI from each eachcampaign — every campaign — every markmareterk’s dream.eter’s dream. 8. Internal Communications8. Internal Communications EveryEvery Salesforce Salesforce licen selice consem ecos mwithes wacceith sascce tos Cs htoatte Chr,a antte rintern, an internal al socials ocialnetw netork.w Aork.n interf An interface siamceil asirm toil aFra toce bFookaceb andook Tandwitte Twr, itteChatterr, Chatter is is the mtheost m effiostc ieeffintc wieaynt toway co tommu communicatenic waithte wstithaff satboutaff a boutopportu opportunitiesn, ities, custocmuserto imssuere is,ss proues,spects prospects — anything — anything that iths inat Sa is lesforin Salesforce. Asc ean. As ad ande ad dded bonusbo, younus ,ca youn ad cadn st adaffd wstithoutaff without Sales Saforlecesfor liccensee licsense as usser ass u toser Csh toatte Chr atter for frefore, mafreeking it, making it essen estiaselly ntiaa free interlly a free internal conamml coummnicautioninscatio toolns. tool. CRM Is for StartupsCRM Is for Startups CRM CRMis no islo nonger lo njugerst a ju toolst a fortool ma fortu mare ctoumre pcaoniempsa wnieiths wcoithm plcoemx splaleexs sales procesprocesses. Sstesartups. Startups need nee to used to CRM use CRMto overco to overcome theme five the challenge five challenges s that thatthey ’theyll fac’lle — facse ca— linsgca slianlesg stealesam tes, aminvestors, investor dema dnedmas fornd spipeli for pipeline ne data,d satalea,s sproalesdu proctivityductivity insight insights, accs,u raaccteu draateta dforat ad eforcisio denc-isiomanki-nmag, kiannd g, and the ethexpect exapecttion abtion y future hireby future hires thats thyouat h yoave u ha aCRMve a CRMin pla ince pl. ace. By choosingBy choosing Salesfor Salesforce as cyoure as yourCRM ,CRM you ,c yoanu b ceannefit be nfroefitm frothomusa thondusas nds of appofs aonpp sAppE on AppExchanxchgean toge co tonne cocnt neyourct yourcusto cmustoer dmatera dtoat othera to other job job functiofunncstio inn yours in yourstart ustpa, rtaligniup, aligning everyong everyone inn eyour in yourcom pcaonymp aaronyun ad round your yomost iur mmost iportmanportt asanset for grot asset for growth —wth your — your custocmustoer. mer. 7777 7777

CRM Benefits for Startups - Page 8