ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 77 77 With Withthe ins theight inssight yous glea youn glea fromn frothemse the cosnever cosnatioverns,satio yons,u can you s cantart sto tart to ask yoaskur syoelfu therself q theues tioqunsestio thanst w thilla tc wraftill thecraft fr theam efrwamorkew ofork yo uofr yomaurrk maetinrkg eting campaigncampaign. Con. siderCon siderthe follo the wfolloingw: ing: • What would make these customers happy?• What would make these customers happy? • What challenges were mentioned most often?• What challenges were mentioned most often? • Which personas resonate with our products?• Which personas resonate with our products? • What verbiage or phrases were used most often?• What verbiage or phrases were used most often? • What content is often shared or utilized?• What content is often shared or utilized? • What type of content would be helpful to resolve these issues?• What type of content would be helpful to resolve these issues? By talkingBy talking to inter to nainterl anandl eaxndter enaxterl stnaaklehol stakdeholers, daserkis,n asg kiyonugr syoelfu rkseelfy key questionquess,tion ands, asseand ssasseingss winhatg w yohatu’ veyo learu’ven leared, nyoed,u nyoowu nhoawve haa vebette a br etter graspgra ofs yourp of youraudie ancudiee. Fromnce. From there ther, it’se ti, mit’es titom setart to sbutartild buingil dai nperg ason pera sona that thatrefle creflets thatcts thatinfor tion.Here ’Hers ane ’se xaanmple example of a nof AppE an AppExchanxcghe ange personpera:sona: Salesforce Administrators Who Can Do More with AppsSalesforce Administrators Who Can Do More with Apps SalesforceSalesforce admins admins hold hold the thekeys keys to theto thecastle. castle. They They addressaddress the needsthe needs and andwants wants of colleagues of colleagues across across the the organization,organization, and andseek seek solutions solutions to make to make things things happen happen , and , and eveneven have have a cat a named cat named SaaSy, SaaSy, but withbut with great great Salesforce Salesforce powerpower comes comes great great Salesforce Salesforce responsibility, responsibility, and they’re and they’re all about what to tackle next and how to tackle it.all about what to tackle next and how to tackle it. NarrowNarrow in on in this on persona. this persona. Paint P theaint pictur the picture. Drawe. Draw these these admins admins on a on a whiteboard,whiteboard, put their put theirheadshots headshots on the on walls the walls of your of yourconference conference room. room. No decisionNo decision should should be made be made without without these these peopl people, becausee, because they’re they’re not not only onlythe most the most important important part ofpart your of yourmark maretingketing efforts, efforts, they’re they’re crucial crucial to yourto yourbusiness business overall. overall. Put your Put youraudience audience at the at center the center of everything of everything you dyou do. o. Step 2: Establish a Campaign ThemeStep 2: Establish a Campaign Theme The caThem paigncampaign them thee wmille addwillre addss theress busthei nbusessi nchesaslle chngealles nofge yos ofur your audienaudience. Thece.s eThe arese the are i sthesue iss suethast cthoanct erconnc yoerunr yoauudier auncdiee thence m theos tm, ost, and yoandu h yoaveu h theave produ the product thact ret thmat reediesme thediesm the. m. 8080 8080

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