AfterAwfterordword latestlatest startup startup initiativ initiative, thee ,Incubator the Incubator at Salesforc at Salesforce. As eI . writeAs I write this, we this, we are aboutare about halfway halfway through through our inaugural our inaugural cohort. cohort. We have We have 14 startups 14 startups and andone oneEntrepreneur Entrepreneur in R esidencein Residence working working on ideas,on ideas, products, products, and andtechnologies technologies that thathave have the potentialthe potential to be to game-changers be game-changers for for enterpriseenterprise customers. customers. All are All early are early stage stage (pre–initial (pre–initial traction), traction), but some but some alreadyalready have have great great customer customer traction traction with with100+ 100+ customers customers onboarded. onboarded. I thoughtI thought I would I would ask some ask some of the of founders the founders in our in cohort our cohort to provide to provide somesome insights insights on lessons on lessons learned learned along along their theirstartup startup journe journey. Fory some . For some of them,of them, this is this not is just not wisdom just wisdom gained gained in the in past the fewpast months few months but from but from prior startups and in the longer journey from concept to prior startups and in the longer journey from concept to execution.execution. Ray Hein, Co-foundeRay Hein, Co-founder, Propelr, Propel HavinHavig “beeng n“bee aronu narod theund b theloc k”blo ac fek”w a tifemwe s,ti mI es, I characchterizearacterize three three comb cineombd inearedas a reforas fo forun derfouns ders to fotocu sfo ocun:s Toenam: T-Ceamultu-Creu,lt uProre,du Proct-Mduact-Mrketa, ranketd , and ChanCnhel-Coannel-Commummunity. Allnit yof. All the ofse the needse n toeed ha tove hsuavef su- f - ficienfitc foiecusnt fo acusnd inveand sinvetmesnttm ine nort diner or tod erb utoild b au ilsud ca su- c - cessful cescsompful canompy. any. Team-CultureTeam-Culture It’s harIt’sd harto dfin tod afi ngred aa tgre staartt uspta rtteuamp te thamat cthaant gelcan qui gelc klquiy. cAkl byig. A par bigt part of thatof isthat hiring is hiring people people who wcahon dceaanl dweithal wtheith inthehere innheret chnatlle cnhgealles nogef s of sacrificesacrifice and ancommitd commitmentm neeentd neeed dine dthe in ethearly esatartrly usptart phupas eph. Evease.n Even if youif’ve yo uw’veork wedor togetherked together at other at other medi mumedi orum la rgeor l acrgeom pcanomieps,an thiee s, the demademnds aarend svery are differevery different in na ts tina rta uspta. rtLifeup .go Lifeals, go perals,so pernals goonaalls, go analds, a and a sharedshared visio nvisio set nthe set bas theeli basne eliforn ethe for e thearly etearlyam te. Aams yo. Aus groyouw gro, it’sw ver, it’y s very importimportant toa mnt aintto maaintin theain the visio n and vision and purpopsuerpo. se. TodayT,oda transy, traparensncparey andncy trust and trustare k eyare fo kundaey foundationatiol elenaml eleentms toen buts toild buil-d - ing a ilenga ran leingar ncuingltu creu ltthature perforthat performs wmsell togethewell together. I liker. Ito li ksae yto th saayt buthailtd buil-d - ing ai ngreatg a great com pcoanmyp isan liyk eis takiliken takig sandng sandand turandn inturg niti ningto it ain gltoas as gl aasrt s art piecepie. It ctae.k Ite sta fokecus,s fo skillcus,, skilland, aa ndlot aof lot en ofergy en ergyand heandat heto asth toape sh aanped and moldmol thed gl theass gl. Ifas dos. nIfe do wnelle, wyoellu, wyoillu c wreillate cre soatem ethisomnethig manggi macal githcaatl athll at all will trewill treasurea.sure. 112112 112112

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