Afterword Founder Lessons from the Salesforce Incubator By Mike Kreaden Mike has developed and managed both incarnations of the Salesforce Incubator — The AppExchange Incubator from 2006-2008, and is currently the Managing Director (Executive in Residence) of The Incubator at Salesforce. Mike’s focus is to coach startups on building great enterprise SaaS products and companies, by tapping into his 15 years of experience at Salesforce. This brings to a close over two years of discussions with some really smart SaaS entrepreneurs, founders, VCs, and thought leaders with vast experience in the enterprise SaaS arena. It’s been fun to sit down and talk with people who are willing to share their experiences and wisdom. The purpose of writing these two volumes of “The SaaS Fo unders Guide” was to share these learnings with as many SaaS startup founders and startup fans, as possible. My intention was to provide SaaS founders with the necessary background and insights into what it takes to build a successful SaaS company. By no means is this project complete, but I am satisfied that we have shared both the conceptual and tactical plays that will help you think like a successful SaaS business founder, and not just focus on your product or service. Salesforce was the first enterprise SaaS company to put customer success as value number one. Every successful SaaS company has replicated this call to action . We have all become customer obsessed, out of the necessity dictated by the SaaS business model. This is good for customers, and good for the industry as a whole. I have been fortunate to work with hundreds of startups over the years and, of late, have been given the opportunity to manage our 111111

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