Chapter Chapter 1 1 discoverdisc overthis? thiTheirs? Their receptio receptionists nwiserets w gettiere ngettig anngryg an phogry nphoe canlles. caSo lls. So whatwhat did the did big the c bigomp canompiesan doie sto d oad todre assdd thisress prothisb lepromb? leTheym? Theyset u sp et up customercustomer service service depart departmentms.ents. WhenWhe in ndo inu btdo, ububtild, bu anotherild another verti cavertil silcaol. sTheyilo. Theylaun chelaundche madr kmaet rket servicesservices, techni, technical sucpportal support lines ,li wanesrr, anwatyrr ancotyntr caconts,tr acantds, maandin matenancintee nance groupsgro. Theups . cTheusto cmuserto hmader trulyhad trulyarrive ad —rrive sd —he h sadhe herhad ow hern owdepna drtepmeanrtt ment now. noAndw. thatAnd depthata deprtmeanrttm wasent lowascate lodca watedy dwaowny d oawnt the a tf ather e ndfar ofend th e of the supply chsupply chain, juastin , pastjust thepast lo theadi longad dioncgk d. ock. For wForhat w ithat’s worth, it’s worth, all the all mtheajor m MBAajor MBAprogr programs amswere w juseret ajuss wt iads wi-d - get-obget-obsessedse,ss ated le,as att lemiasnte mi wasne. Iwas was. I t wasaught tau thghtat thetha tf undamthe fundamentale gontaal l goal sellman as yman unitys un of its of of buofsin buesssi nisess to cisreate to create a hit apro hitdu proct.du I thect. nI thehadn tohad sell to a s that productthat product as po asss iblpoess, therebyible, thereby spread spreingad minyg fi xmedy ficxoedsts c overosts overas man as y many unitsunits as I c oasu lId c,o soul dI ,c soou lId c ocoumld petecom peteon the on a thell-po awll-poerfuwl erfmaurgil man. rgiAlln. I h Allad I had to doto w doas deploywas deploy SAP bSetterAP b etterthan theveryoan everyone elnsee. elIt swase. It awasll co amll pletelcompletely y worthlesworthless advics advice. e. The Shift to Monetizing RelationshipsThe Shift to Monetizing Relationships As theAs elevenththe eleventh hire ahiret Sa alet sSaforlecesfor, I cwea, sI privilegewas privileged to db eto a blebe atbleo to help helpbuild b nuotild junsott aju nstew a nkiewnd kiofn dcu ofsto cumstoer relatiomer relationshipns mhipana mgeanamegent ment (CRM)(CRM) tool, tool,but a bu wthole a w holenew napproew aacpproh toac ehn toterpri enterprise applise acapplitionscatio. Mnsan. y Many of usof early us earlyemployee employees hads bheacdo bmeec odimsille usdiiosillnusedio overned overthe s thetate softa teth e of the enterprienterprise softsew softarew inaredu strindy.u Astrs yw. eA sa pprowe aacpprohedac thehed t uthern oftu rthen of c theent ucreyn, tury, dlessly companiecompanies likes Olirkace lOe,r acSieleb, elS,ie andbel, othersand others were w cererea ticnrega ati nngee ad nleeessly complicatedc atedprod ucprodt thucatt thwaast wasolds sbolyd a bmy era cmeneraryce nsaaryle s saforlecs efor ancd e and compli promprootedm botedy a par by aas paritic sasyitistemc syss temintegrs inategrtion aintiodusn intrdusy. try. EveryoEveryone maned ema mdoen ey mo— ney th— at iths, aeveryot is, everyone exnceept ex ctheept cu thesto cumstoer. mHaelrf . Half the installations would never see the light of day, and even those that the installations would never see the light of day, and even those that werewere deemed deemed a succe a suss wcceeress w hereate d bhatey thed by e thend us end users. Theers .i ndTheu sindtryu hsatryd had completelycompletely lost sight lost sight of its ofcus ittomers customers: whos: wtheyho theywere w, werhea,t w theyhat theydid o dn id on a daily basia daily basis, what they lis, what they liked akbeodu at their bout their work sywork systems,ste andms, w andhat pis whast pised sed themthe offm. It o wffa. sIt ti wmae fors tim a e forchan a chgean. ge. At the same time, we looked on in wonder at this new experience At the same time, we looked on in wonder at this new experience beingbei introng duintroceddu bcedy the by inter the ninteret. Thinets. iThis whs iast wh wea want wete wand: tote bud: toild bu a neildw a new as aseas byu asy buy- - kind ofkin udser of euxperieser experience, wherence, where using us softingwa softrewa woulre wd oulbe ads b eeas y ing a book oing a book on Amn azoAmn.azon. 1212 1212
