Chapter 5 Nailing Your Go-to-Market Positioning The company narrative is where you start to tie it all together and draft the text for your story. One of the most important ways to scale and empower a sales organization is to give them a clear presentation that tells that story, beginning with this company narrative: Summary When I was a product manager at Salesforce, I did my best to shape and accelerate the product roadmap. What I’ve learned since then is that clear go-to-market positioning can do way more to shape, align, and drive a product roadmap than anything an individual product owner could do. Having everyone aligned around clear go-to-market positioning makes every decision easier, from which features to build, to which partners are most important in the next 12 months. Working through your positioning will bring clarity to you and your team as you finalize a product roadmap and your entire go-to-market strategy. I hope you’re able to take away some ideas for how to approach nailing your go-to-market positioning. Working through this process will also help your startup team align around what’s most important, focus on the product and marketing items that will drive the most value for your target prospects, and clarify your entire go-to-market strategy.

Nailing Your Go-to-Market Positioning - Page 14 Nailing Your Go-to-Market Positioning Page 13