Chapter 5 Nailing Your Go-to-Market Positioning Hard Truth #2: You’re not as aligned as you think. Even the closest startup founders have slightly different perspectives on their product, the best customers, and the future of their business. I’ve sat in meetings with entire executive teams who honestly believe they are aligned. And sometimes, they’re really close — maybe even 95% aligned. Having the CEO, VP of sales, VP of product, and VP of marketing even just 5% off in their interpretation or understanding of whom you’re building for and selling to will put a drag on your go-to-market that can sink an early- stage company, and stall growth in a later-stage company. Hard Truth #3: You’re getting bad advice. Anything less than “You should be more like _______.” Fill in 100% alignment will the blank with the hot company of the moment sink an early-stage company or stall and you’ve heard it at least five times this year. growth at a later- Maybe your company, product, or pricing stage company. should be more like that hot company that just raised a great round, or maybe it shouldn’t. There are so many different possible business models, go-to-market models, pricing and packaging models, and marketing options to think about today. And everyone has an opinion, and everyone knows an example of a company where something was successful. The reality is that the go-to-market model, pricing, or packaging that’s right for a competitor or popular company usually can’t just be cut-and- paste applied to your business. By focusing on competitors and other companies, you could be missing out on the optimal business model for your unique product and market. Five Go-to-Market Considerations Company positioning can’t be done in a silo. And it can’t be assigned to one individual to Focus on the right go figure out in an ivory tower. For an early- business model stage cloud business application company and go-to-market your company positioning is your product tactics for your positioning. Your messaging must be market, your product, and your developed within the context of your entire prospects. go-to-market strategy, and all the go-to-market executives should be involved in the process. Below are five important things to consider:

Nailing Your Go-to-Market Positioning - Page 5 Nailing Your Go-to-Market Positioning Page 4 Page 6