ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 88 88 givengiven rep hav repe ?hav Hoew? Homawny ma third-pny third-party inartyflu eninflcuerens acnders e axndpert exspert? Todas? yT,o a day, a sales representativsales representative’s networke’s network is his iors hi hers or n heret worth net worth. . 3. Source of deal3. Source of deal ConsConider saiderddin agdd a ifielng da forfiel dso forurc seo ofur cdee ofal tode yoal tour yoCRMur CtoRM see to ju sstee ho juw st how many opportumany opportunities anitiere cs aomre cinog imn inthroughg in through social s cochialann chelanns. els. 4. Content sharing4. Content sharing All sortsAll soforts tool ofs tool on thes on ma therk maet torkdaet yto prodaym proise mtheise d therea mdre ofa mbei ofn gb abeinle g able to mtoea smureea swhiurec hwhi saclehs srepaless repares s aharire nsharig conngte contn teandnt toand w hatto w effehatc teffe. ct. But whoBut whoshould should own othiwns reportithis reporting? I nthig?n Ik thi yonuk nyoeeud n toee dlook to lookat w herat we here similarsimilar initiative initiatives ares owaren eowd nalreaed dalreay anddy andrecr urecrit au sittrong a strong cham chpioamn pion with withexemplary exemplary com muncomimuncatioinca tioskillns. s killPers.s oPnaerllsoy,na I llthiy, nI kthi sonckia sl osellicialn sellig ng metricsmetrics are best are owbestne owd bnye sad bleys saenleasb elenmabelent,m beuntt, they but ctheyould c ofeuasldi bfelyas livi e bly live elsewhere. Social elsewhere. Social selling is cross-functional, so what may work for one selling is cross-functional, so what may work for one company company might notmight not make ma seknse ese anst aen aothet anrothe. r. As for having the time to analyze and report on these metrics, you’ll be As for having the time to analyze and report on these metrics, you’ll be surprisesurprised at howd at howman yman houyrs ho areurs freed are freed after ayofteru dum you pdum thep m theean minegleanisns gless measures. Out with the old, in with the new. measures. Out with the old, in with the new. And doAndn’t do junst’t s jtopust astopt me aatsuri menasurig — nsga — les sleaaledser leas sdhoersu sldho aluslod cele alsob celerate brate social selling success to reinforce the practice. Use an internal social selling success to reinforce the practice. Use an internal collaborcollaborationa platfortion platform tom sh toare s hstoriesare stories abou at boreputs repdoisn gd oisocinga sl ocisellialn sg elling well and recognize them publicly, or add some gamification to the mix well and recognize them publicly, or add some gamification to the mix by nabym ingnam aing So caial So Sellicial nSellig Sunperherog Superhero of the of Mothen thMo. nOthnc. eO yoncue syotaurt start rewarding social selling practices, other reps will rewarding social selling practices, other reps will follow suit, and follow suit, yoanud’l l you’ll have ahave an organ organizationization of sno ofcial s soellicialn sgelli sunperheroeg superheroes in ns oi nti mnoe .time. Need more motivation? Consider this.Need more motivation? Consider this. For thoseFor those of us of ol dus eno oldu enogh tough re mtoe rembmeremb wheer nw Hertzhen Hertz intro ducintroeducd its ed its “skip “theskip re thenta rel cnountertal counter and goan dstr goaight stra toight yo tour yocaur”r icannrov” innatioovn,a tioletn, m lete me ask youask ayou qu eas tioqunes: tioDidn :yo Diud everyou evermiss mspeissnd speingnd 20in gm 20inute misn iutenters ainctiternag cting personperally with sonally with a couna cter ounageter nat?ge I dnit?dn I ’dt.idn’t. It waIts nwao fsu nno to fu wan toit wain liitn ien, orlin eto, orw attoc hw atanc ha geann at getypent typeendle essndlyle insstlyo into his khiseyboard keyboard. I gaine. I gained nod ple noasu plereasu fromre fromansw aerinswngeri theng satheme sa quemes que-s - tionstio inn Bos insto Bon sthatton thatI ans wI anereswd ereyesterd yesterday idan Tyoro in nTtoroo. Nonto .ma Notter ma hotterw how 9898 9898

How Social Selling Has Transformed Sales - Page 13 How Social Selling Has Transformed Sales Page 12 Page 14