Grow Revenue Faster with Messaging Chapter 6 Alignment, Playbooks, and Onboarding Week 2: Products and Services During week two, the product managers share product playbooks as video interviews. The final measurable deliverable for this week is for every seller to record a 2–3 minute elevator pitch. Everyone sees one another’s recordings, and peer reviews help engrain best practices. Week 3: Prospecting and Territory Planning Focusing on pipeline generation, the teams are then guided to prospecting. Territory plans are created and prospecting outreach strategies and winning emails are discussed. Salespeople are already generating self-sourced pipeline by this week. The certification is a recorded 5-Minute Territory Plan, focusing on top accounts and pipeline generation strategies. Week 4: Account Strategies and Deal Execution Dave Rudnitsky brings it all together in the final week where every seller records an account plan for their top account. He brands the program IGNITE and aligns everyone with his enterprise sales playbook. Account planning is focused on a core set of strategies on connecting the dots, compelling events, and a mutual close plan. This week has a final IGNITE certification. The results of this type of program speak for themselves. Pipeline and revenue targets were exceeded. But the best part of the story is the feedback from the reps themselves. They all agree that they wouldn’t have been able to ramp as fast as they did without the structure of a 30-day onboarding program. All too often, building a scalable and repeatable sales onboarding program takes a back seat to other priorities. Follow the lead of David Rudnitsky and other forward-thinking sales leaders and put foundational pillars in place from day one. Your team will yield huge benefits and will start winning faster, and more often. Summary Building a revenue machine that’s fueled by certification, playbooks, and onboarding takes leadership and discipline. It means putting as much energy and focus into your go-to-market as you do into your product innovation. Build a culture of sharing best practices and continuous improvement. To do this means leading by example. Do you think you’re ready? Here’s

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