ChChaapter pter ChChaapter pter 55 55 1. Eating too many processed foods is destroying your health.1. Eating too many processed foods is destroying your health. 2. The solution is to eat more fresh fruits and juices.2. The solution is to eat more fresh fruits and juices. 3. The problem is typical juicers are too large, hard to use, 3. The problem is typical juicers are too large, hard to use, expensive, and difficult to clean.expensive, and difficult to clean. 4. Our awesome, compact, easy-to-clean, and affordable juice 4. Our awesome, compact, easy-to-clean, and affordable juice machine is what you need.machine is what you need. And aAnd pitc ah pit forc ha sforet aof s etwor ofk wouort kDoVuDst D orVDs fitne or ssfitne eqssuip eqmueipntm meightnt m looightk look like thislike: this: 1. You want to lose weight and get in shape, right?1. You want to lose weight and get in shape, right? 2. The solution is going to the gym for a full workout on a regular 2. The solution is going to the gym for a full workout on a regular basis.basis. 3. The problem is you don’t have time for that and gym 3. The problem is you don’t have time for that and gym memberships are expensive.memberships are expensive. 4. What you need is our awesome, cost-effective, home workout 4. What you need is our awesome, cost-effective, home workout DVDs/machine.DVDs/machine. FromFro a clam ssa icclaalss saleicals saleperss peperctivspee,c tivthies, pitthicsh pit forchmu forlamu is sola ieffes soc tiveffee ctive becausebec aatuse ea cath eastacgeh s tyoageur yocusutor cusmerto ims teraki isn tga skimnagll s, mincallre, imncerentalme snteptals steps towatowrd yourard yoursolution solution. Step. sS rooteteps rooted in bothd in bothuniver unsaiverl trusathl trs uandths e andmotio emnotio. n. NothingNothing jarring. jarring. No b Nigo leapbig sleap of faiths of faithrequ irereqd.u ireMored. More spec ifispecacllifiy, cathlle y, the infomercialinfomercial code co woulde would bred bak dreoawn k dolikwn e thilikse: this: 1. Illustrating the pain, sometimes hidden, associated with your 1. Illustrating the pain, sometimes hidden, associated with your current state.current state. 2. Outlining an aspirational or desired future state and the path to 2. Outlining an aspirational or desired future state and the path to get there.get there. 3. Highlighting the risk or uncertainty associated with that path 3. Highlighting the risk or uncertainty associated with that path and framing the need for a better solution.and framing the need for a better solution. 4. Suggesting a simpler, alternative solution to mitigate or 4. Suggesting a simpler, alternative solution to mitigate or circumvent that risk circumvent that risk — in other words, your product.— in other words, your product. JumpingJumping back binatock theinto worl thed worl of ted cofhn teologchnyolog, usiny,g u thisinsg for thimus forlamu to pitla toch pit, ch, say, asa mobiley, a mobile produc protivityductivity app toapp a satole as salealeds erlea mdighter m lookight looksom ethisomnethig ng like thislike: this: 1. Your sales team is losing business because members don’t 1. Your sales team is losing business because members don’t have the key customer or product information they need when have the key customer or product information they need when they’re on the road.they’re on the road. 6868 6868

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