Chapter 8 Customer Experience and Success: Both Science and Art The V2MOM is a tool designed to communicate the corporate vision and drive buy-in and alignment to that vision throughout all levels of the company. It is defined at the beginning of each year and revisited throughout the year to ensure things are still on track. This iterative cycle drives a continuous focus on the stated goals, and it enables and often triggers operational adjustments throughout the year, as needed. This exercise had the amazing impact of establishing focus and creating cohesion across the company, while maintaining an environment that supported innovation and the individual pioneering spirit. Philanthropy Many companies have replicated Salesforce’s approach to integrated corporate philanthropy, and our charitable foundation,, has taught thousands of individuals how to make giving back a core part of their personal and professional lives. But if that wasn’t enough, it also almost accidentally became a point of connection and community between Salesforce and its customers. Before we knew it, customers and employees were self-organizing volunteer events in their local regions. Is there a better way to get to know, build trust, and strengthen relationships with customers? And let’s be honest, it’s those relationships that will pave the way for positioning future sales opportunities, managing through difficult customer conversations, and securing renewals. While company culture will evolve, it’s important to take the time to explore and define your core values as a leadership team, to communicate these to everyone in the business, and to find ways to weave them into the fabric of the company. Do this early, or your culture may be dictated in a way you don’t expect or desire, with potentially negative consequences for your customers.

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