CRM CRM CRM CRM BBenefits for enefits for BBenefits for enefits for SSttaartuprtupSSttaassrtuprtupss strengthstrength. No other. No other CRM CRMhas m horeas m thirored -pthirartyd-p saupportrty support. There. There is an isa pap n app on AppEon AppExchangexcha fornge a lformost alm everythingost everything you ca yonu think can think of, all o tof, a helpll to helpyour your teamte bamecome bec omemore m integrore integrated aatendd iann synd inc. syn Herec. Hereare m arey top my eight top eight apps apps or featuresor features for no for non-sales n-suasersles u. sers. 1. Salesforce Labs1. Salesforce Labs Salesforce Labs are free apps built by Salesforce employees for the Salesforce Labs are free apps built by Salesforce employees for the customercustomer com mcomunitmyu. Innitspiredy. Inspired by em byployee employees’ works’ work with withcustomers customers of all of all sizes asizesnd in adnudstrie indusstrie, theses, these apps appranges ra frongem frosimplem simple utilities utilities to en tireto e verticantire vertical l solutionsolutions. Salesfors. Salesforce Labces Lappabss appares freeare tofree us toe, busuet, abreu t uanrema unnagemand aged packagepacskage, mesa, meninga ningthat the that the code co is vides ible ais visible and cannd be editedcan be edited. . 2. The AppExchange Dashboard Pack2. The AppExchange Dashboard Pack https:http//apps://appexchanexcghean.saglees.forcsaleesforc.come/li.costingm/lisDtingetail?listiDetail?listin - n - PerhaPpserh theaps mtheost m famosto fuams Soaulesforces Salesforce Labs Laabpps isapp the is AppEthe AppExchangxche ange gId=a0gId=N30a00000N30000000ps3jEAA00ps3jEAA ( (bit lin.kly n lieenkd neeed) ded) ds and dozens DashDboasahrdb opaarckd .p Thiacks. freeThis pfreeack apgeac kinageclu dinecslu dadeshbos dashboar ards and dozens ales, marketing, support, and service, and even how to of reports for sales, marketing, support, and service, and even how to of reports for s measure adoption of Salesforce in your organization. measure adoption of Salesforce in your organization. It’s the first app CloudKettle installs for every new Salesforce It’s the first app CloudKettle installs for every new Salesforce deployment. It provides easy access to visual dashboards showing deployment. It provides easy access to visual dashboards showing your performance that would otherwise take hours to build if you were your performance that would otherwise take hours to build if you were to start from scratch. to start from scratch. 3. Trailhead 3. Trailhead If you’re new to Salesforce or looking to do more with the platform, If you’re new to Salesforce or looking to do more with the platform, Trailhead can help. It takes the guesswork out of where to begin and Trailhead can help. It takes the guesswork out of where to begin and where to go next to make your journey easier. where to go next to make your journey easier. Oftentimes an employee of a company will assume the administrator Oftentimes an employee of a company will assume the administrator role and be the go-to Salesforce person for an organization. However, role and be the go-to Salesforce person for an organization. However, with Trailhead, anyone in your organization can learn Salesforce. It with Trailhead, anyone in your organization can learn Salesforce. It provides a series of free Salesforce trainings and modules for everyone provides a series of free Salesforce trainings and modules for everyone from administrators, to users, to developersevelopers. . from administrators, to users, to d 4. Customer Support and Service4. Customer Support and Service RetaiRnetingai ncuingsto cumserstom isers critic is acriticl, anadl ,S aalesfornd Salesforce’s corece’s procored uproct dhelpsuct helps by by includininclug dai nngative a n afetiveature fea cturealle dc aCallesesd Ca. Ssesale.s Sforcaleesforc’s case’es cmanaase managemegent ment allowasllow organs orgizaantionizastion to atts toach att, traachck, tr, aanckd ,s aurfndac surfe cuacstoe cumserto ismsueer iss dsueirectls directly y 7575 7575

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