Building Building a Multia Multibillion-billion-DollaDr ollCategorar Category y Who Whowould w ouldhave hthoughtave thought in the in 6 the0s th 6a0ts bthodyat bbodyuildbinuilg dwinougl wd okickuld off kick a off a wholew holenew nebillion-w billion-dolladr ollmaarrk meta anrketd banecod bmecoe am lase tian lgas fitnesting fitness trensd tre thnadt that contincontinues toudaes yto?day? The uThend erserveunderserved heroesd heroes are amareo namg ousn.g They us. Theyare oaurer colleour acollegueas, gues, membmersemb ofers ou ofr i ndouur sindtry,u asntrdy , oaunrd n oeuxt-r ndeoorxt- dneighoor neighbors.b Borsut .w Bhuatt w mahakte mas kes themthe differentm different is th aist ththeyat theylive oliven the on frithenge fris nofge stheir of theirindu strinduy. strWityh . With EloquEloqua, theya, theywere w dereema dnedma-gennd -genmark maetersrketers. Comm. Coommn enooughn enough, but ,w buhilte while they theywere were servi nservig their ng their clientcs,lient theirs, their need nees wereds wn’eret beinn’t gb eiservedng served. . Take TTaeslake ,T eslafor e, xamfor eplxame. Aplt eEloq. At ua,Eloq wua,e tal wkee dtal abkeodu abt hoouwt hoTeslwa Tcoeslna con- - nectendecte withd wwithealthy wea colthyns umconersums werhos wwhoere w wereilling w illingto pa toy a p preay am preiumm foiumr for its caitrss, cbautrs , whbuta twh wea td weidn ’dt itdanlk’t abtalkou abt waoust howaws hoTeslwa Tcoeslnanecte connected witdh with Case Study #2: Case Study #2: Eloqua discovers its underserved heroesEloqua discovers its underserved heroes Eloqua:Eloqua: Between Between 2000 2000 and and2002, 2002, Eloqua Eloqua observed observed that that somesome marketers, marketers, calling calling themselves themselves demand demand generators, generators, werewere emerging emerging from from Mad Mad Men–style Men–style boardrooms boardrooms with with a desirea desire to create to create a quantitative, a quantitative, repeatable repeatable process process for for generating demand for their products.generating demand for their products. EloquaEloqua researched researched these these underserved underserved heroes heroes in depth — in depth — whatwhat tools tools they they used used to solve to solve their their problems, problems, the people the people theythey found found influential, influential, their their unique unique nomen nomenclature — and clature — and providedprovided them them with with a solution a solution that thatwas wastailored tailored specifically specifically for them.for them. It was It wasa reasonable a reasonable bet thatbet thatthe abilitythe ability to track to track activityactivity on the on internetthe internet and andthe superiorthe superior nurturing nurturing qualities qualities of opt-inof opt-in email email subscriptions subscriptions would would increase increase the thepower power and andnumber number of demand-generation of demand-generation professionals. professionals. The Thebet bet generation generation professionalsprofessionals is about is about three three times times higher higher than than at Eloqua’s at Eloqua’s founding in 2000.founding in 2000. 2929 2929

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