Chapter 4 Are You a Nice-to-Have? the CEO of a bank on marketing, then a CTO for databases, HR for people management, and so on. It’s the same niche problem we’ve discussed, just in a different format. The point is, nailing down a niche isn’t just a problem for startups and small businesses. You don’t solve it once. It becomes a recurring problem as you expand your lead generation programs, geographies, teams, and product portfolio. Your CMO, division, or individual salespeople may need to keep re-nailing down your target customer. Whom you are Continue to ask yourself and your team: targeting that needs Whom are you targeting that needs (not (not wants) you? wants) you? Why should they buy your Why should they product? And why should they buy it at a buy? Why from you? premium? Ultimately, how do you make it And why now? about them, not all about you? It’s hard to resist dumping on buyers about all the great ways you can help them, but if you keep doing that, you’re more likely to confuse than excite them. Keep it simple, focus on your niche, and always make sure you’re a need, because nice-to-haves, simply put, won’t survive.

Are You a Nice-to-Have? - Page 6 Are You a Nice-to-Have? Page 5