Chapter 9 the public AppExchange includes a rigorous security review and a lot of attention paid to effectively marketing your solution. Successfully tackling the security review is only possible once you’ve reached your MVP and have invested accordingly in hardening your app and internal processes. So what do you do in the early stages of achieving MVP? The answer is to use a private AppExchange listing. A private listing themselves to higher execution limits, scaling, and managing a large customer base. A private listing does not require a security review, since it is not avail - able via the public AppExchange. Private listings can be shared with tar - get customers via URL to allow you to control who can install your app. In this way, you can work with your early customers to ensure success and thereby elicit good initial reviews and ratings for your app, which will complete your customer validation phase. Once you’re satisfied that you have achieved MVP for your AppExchange app, you’re ready to take on the last set of tasks to get listed on the public AppExchange. With your MVP validated, you’re ready to start planning for the launch of your public AppExchange app. This includes the security review, but it also requires planning and coordination with marketing, sales, and support. What does demand generation and lead generation look like when you’re available on the public AppExchange? Think about how the AppExchange will augment and improve your overall marketing strategy as a channel. How will you leverage some of the unique aspects of the ecosystem, like Salesforce MVPs and user groups in your launch strategy? The more thought you put into understanding the AppExchange ecosystem and the Salesforce user as a key persona for your app, the more targeted your messaging and app will be. These are critical success factors for the success of your app — and ultimately your company — within the AppExchange ecosystem. 110110

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