Founder Founder LessoLness fromsons from the S thealesforce Salesforce IncubIncubator ator 5. Raising5. Raising money money does does not equal not equal success. success. Fundraising Fundraising has never has never “made” a startup, but it has certainly doomed a great number.“made” a startup, but it has certainly doomed a great number. 6. Choose6. Choose co-founders co-founders you youenjoy enjoy as human as human beings. beings. You’ll You’ll be be spendingspending a lot aof lot time of timewith withyour yourco-founders; co-founders; they theyshould should be be people who energize you.people who energize you. 7. Rew7. aRewrd thoardu ghtfthouughtflnesus lnanedss effortand effort over overresult res. suInlt sstartup. In startups, returs, nreturs ns are luarempy lu mpyand progreand progress is hardss is hardto see to. Its’see ea. Its’sy, eahowever,sy, however, to as k to ask yourselfyourself “Did I“Did spe nI sdpe today nd today as proas duproctivelyductively as po asss ible?poss”ible?” 8. Change8. Change in the in world the world happens happens when when you act you on act yourself, on yourself, and that and that manifestsmanifests around around you. Ergo,you. Ergo, to change to change the world, the world, strive strive daily dailyfor for greatergreater levels levels of discipline, of discipline, skill, endurance,skill, endurance, and health. and health. You are You are the asset that makes a one-year-old company worth millions.the asset that makes a one-year-old company worth millions. 9. Take9. Takecare careof yourself. of yourself. Sleep Sleep well, well,eat well. eat well.If you If needyou need to take to take a walka walkor run or in run the in middle the middle of the of day, the doday, it. do It’s it. okay, It’s okay, and often and often necessary,necessary, to spend to spend a Saturday a Saturday in bed in watchingbed watching Netflix. Netflix. You’re You’re trying to win a war, not a battle.trying to win a war, not a battle. 10. Have10. Have fun. Creatingfun. Creating a successful a successful company company is just is onejust aspectone aspect of of the greater goal: to live a happy, exciting, and fulfilling life.the greater goal: to live a happy, exciting, and fulfilling life. KG Charles-Harris, CEO, QuarrioKG Charles-Harris, CEO, Quarrio AfterA stfterarting sta rtingand buanildd buingil dfiveing bufivesi nbuessesins,esse the s, the one thingone thing that stthaant dsst aonudst to ou mt eto i sm hoe wis hotrulyw trulydiffi di- ffi - cult itc ultis. Thit ias.t ’sTh wahyt’s wgoohyd goo advid sadors,vi swhoors, whocan helcanp help you avoidyou avoid mist amkesist aaknesd caanptd ucreapt opportunitiesure opportunities, are , are betterb etterthan thgoland. golThed. bTheetter b etteryour ayourdvisors advisors are, the are m, theore more they theyinvolve involve them theselvemselves in yos inur yobuusrines buss,ines thes, d theeeper deeper their theirknow klendogwe ledge of yoofur yochuarlle chngealles,n agends, theand m theore m theyore theylever leverage theirage theircont acoctn ntaetctw noretkws, orks, the higher yothe higher your likelihoour likelihood of sud ofcce sussc. cess. So howSo howdo yo dou fiyondu afindnd leverand aleverge advisorage advisors? Bottoms? Bottom line, liknneow, k nthaowt that it takites ta ak lotes aof lot work of work to fin tod qfinualityd qu aalitydvis aordvis ansords gaiandn gaivalune val fromue fromthem the. m. WhenW heit ncome it comes to sfi ntodi nfign diandvig saordvis, sthereors, there is n oi s sunbos titsuubtestit forute dforee p deep researrecshear ancdh eaxtendns exteivens netivew norkietwnorkig. An goodg. A good advis aindvig relatiosing relationshipns iship tru liy s truly a mean tormesnhiptor sehipxperie experience. Itnc’se d. eeplyIt’s deeply pers opernals oannald developsand develops over overtime . time. It’s a Itch’s aalle chngealle tonge both to boththe advithe sadvior ansord theand athedvi saeedvi tosee b eto reve be areveling aling 115115 115115
